Once electricity was discovered, it was used as a "postman", transmitting information at lightning speed. By wire transfer electrical signals learned, transfer telegrams and live human speech. It was a victory over the space! But telephone and telegraph wires will not last for a ship or plane, the train or car. Bridge the space people helped radio (translated from the Latin word "radio" means "radiate", it has a common root with another Latin word - "radius" - "beam"). To send messages without wires need only radio transmitter and receiver, which are connected by electromagnetic waves, otherwise known as radio waves emitted by the transmitter and received by the receiver. The history of radio begins with the world's first radio that was created by the Russian scientist Alexander Popov Popov in 1895 constructed a device which, in his words, "to replace the missing man electromagnetic sense" and react to electromagnetic waves. First, the receiver can "feel" the only atmospheric electrical discharges - lightning. And then learned to accept and record on a tape telegrams transmitted by radio. His invention Popov summed up the work of a large number of scientists from several countries.
Памятники Екатеринбурга начинают свою историю со второй половины XIX века. Одной из главных достопримечательностей Екатеринбурга является памятник основателям города – В.Н. Татищеву и В. де Геннину. По инициативе героя Северной войны Василия Никитича Татищева на Урале на реке Исети начинается строительство мощного железоделательного завода-крепости. После В.Н. Татищева строительство продолжил Вильям де Геннин – военный, инженер, специалист в области горного и металлургического производства, друг и сподвижник императора Петра I. В 1998 году в честь 275-летия города по проекту скульптора П.П. Чусовитина был установлен памятник основателям Екатеринбурга. Перевод: Monuments of Ekaterinburg begin their story with the second half of the nineteenth century. One of the main attractions of Yekaterinburg is a monument to the founders of the city V. N. V. Tatischev and de Gennin. At the initiative of hero of the Northern war of Vasily Nikitich Tatishchev in the Urals on the Iset river begins construction of a powerful steel factory-fortress. After V. N. Tatishchev, the construction was continued by William de Gennin was a military man, an engineer, a specialist in the field of mining and metallurgical production, a friend and associate of Emperor Peter I. In 1998 in honor of the 275th anniversary of the city under the project of sculptor P. P. Chusovitina was a monument to the founders of Ekaterinburg.
Hygiene as a science is a very broad concept covering almost all aspects of people's lives. The word "hygiene" comes from the Greek hygienos, which means "bringer of health". Definitions Hygiene very much, but perhaps they all mean one thing: hygiene is the science of improving and preserving human health. Hygiene includes many sections such as: food hygiene, hygiene of children and adolescents, occupational hygiene, sports hygiene, personal hygiene, communal hygiene, environmental hygiene, military hygiene, etc. as . Перевод: Гигиена включает в себя множество разделов, таких как: гигиена питания, гигиена детей и подростков, гигиена труда, спортивная гигиена, личная гигиена, коммунальная гигиена, гигиена окружающей среды, военная гигиена и т.д.
Bridge the space people helped radio (translated from the Latin word "radio" means "radiate", it has a common root with another Latin word - "radius" - "beam"). To send messages without wires need only radio transmitter and receiver, which are connected by electromagnetic waves, otherwise known as radio waves emitted by the transmitter and received by the receiver.
The history of radio begins with the world's first radio that was created by the Russian scientist Alexander Popov Popov in 1895 constructed a device which, in his words, "to replace the missing man electromagnetic sense" and react to electromagnetic waves. First, the receiver can "feel" the only atmospheric electrical discharges - lightning. And then learned to accept and record on a tape telegrams transmitted by radio. His invention Popov summed up the work of a large number of scientists from several countries.