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06.11.2022 09:05 •  Английский язык

Составить по 5 вопросов к каждому тексту могу кинуть перевод)1 текст - family means a lot to me. it's not just two three or seven people living together but a unity of people who support each other in different situation. anything can happen in this life but i know that the only people who will always love and understand me are my family. blood is thicker than water. that's why family is much more important to me than friends. friends can betray you. there are lots of books and films about this. they can envy your success at school and your success with girls and even your cool jeans or a bike can make them feel jealous . it doesn't matter that i don't have many friends. and if i get into trouble, the people i ask for advice are my parents 2 текст - friends are everything to me. life isn't worth living without friends. my they don't care about me, and frankly speaking , i don't care much about them either. the only things they care about are their jobs and making money. even my grades at school don't worry them much. sometimes they ask me about my progress, but i'm never sure if they hear my answer. i would feel absolutely lonely if i did not have friends. we often gather at my place or somewhere else to speak about life, listen to music and have fun. sometimes we quarrel, but i don't believe that my friends mean to hurt me. life is cool with them. 3 текст - i think i'm very lucky. i have a family that loves me and friends i enjoy spending time with. my parents and i are people of different generations, so we don't see the world in the same way. but i know they wish me well and i appreciate their advise. (though sometimes i ignore it and forget about it) they don't like all of my friends, but they don't just say "no". they try to explain their point of view, and sometimes i find their arguments quite convincing. i agree that not all people you go out with can be called friends. real friends are very rare and you should sherish them. and if you happen to find them, take care of them, never hurt them and try not to lose them.

Does family mean a lot to you?
The family is not just two three or seven people living together, is it?
Why is family much more important to you than friends?
Who can betray you?
Whom will you ask for advice if you get into trouble?

Friends are everything to you, aren't they?
Whom isn't life worth living without?
Do you care much about your family?
What do they care about?
Would you feel absolutely lonely if you did not have friends?
What do you do with your friends when you gather at your place?

I'm very lucky because I have a family that loves me and friends I enjoy spending time with, aren't I?
Do your parents and you see the world in the same way?
Who wishes you well?
Do your parents like your friends?
Why you should cherish real friends?
4,5(8 оценок)
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Перевод в Past Simple,изменяемые слова выделены жирным шрифтом:

Teenage life in Britain.

Name: James Johnson

Lived: In a semi-detatched house with his dad Tony, mum Carol and brothers Chris and Julian.

When did school start/finish?

It started at 8:30 and finished at 3:15. It was quite a short day, but we got lots of homework as well!

Did you get any pocket money?

Oh yes, I got £10 a week. I spent it on my mobile phone, CDs and the cinema. My Mum gave me extra money if I helped her out around the house though.

How did you spend you free time?

I loved computers! I surfed the net every night or I play on my Playstation. I listened to music a lot. My favourites were, McFly, Avril Lavigne, Beyonce and Mis-teeq. I also watched a lot of television. Eastenders was the best soap opera. It was on four times a week.

Did you get along with your family?

Most of the time, but I often argued with my brothers. It was usually about the Playstation. They said I didn't let them use it often enough. I disagreed of course.

What did you like/dislike about being a teenager?

I liked my life at the moment. I worked hard at school, but I had a good time as well. It was nice being a teenager.

Перевод,даю в настоящем времени:

Подростковая жизнь в Британии.

Имя: Джеймс Джонсон.

Живёт: в двухквартирном доме со свои отцом Тони,мамой Кэрол, братьями Крисом и Джулианом.

Когда начинается и заканчивается школа?

Она начинается в 8.30 и заканчивается в 15.15. Это достаточно короткий день,но нам задают много домашнего задания!

Ты получаешь карманные деньги?

О да,10 долларов в неделю. Я трачу их на мобильник,CD-диски и кино. Моя мама даёт мне сверх того,если я ей по дому.

Как ты проводишь своё свободное время?

Я люблю компьютеры! Каждую ночь я сижу в интернете или играю в Playstation. Я много слушаю музыку. Мои любимчики: McFly,Avril Lavigna,Beyonce и Mis-teeq. И телевизор я много смотрю. "Жители Ист-Энда" -- это лучший телесериал. Он идёт 4 раза в неделю.

Ты ладишь со своей семьёй?

В большинстве своём да,но я часто ссорюсь со своими братьями. Обычно из-за Playstation. Они говорят,что я не позволяю им его использовать достаточно часто. Конечно же,я не согласен.

Что тебе нравится и не нравится в том,что ты подросток?

В настоящее время мне нравится своя жизнь. Я усердно работаю в школе,но в то же время и хорошо провожу время. Быть подростком приятно.

4,7(67 оценок)
James Johnson lives in a semi-detatched house with his family.
His school starts at 8:30 and finishes at 3:15.
James gets any pocket money about £10 a week that he spends on his mobile phone, CDs and the cinema. His Mum gives him extra money if he helps her about the house.
James loves computers and he plays a lot or listens to music. He also watches a lot of television. 
He often argues with his brothers about the Playstation. 
James likes his life at the moment. He works hard at school, but he has a good time as well and he thinks it is nice being a teenager.
4,5(39 оценок)
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