Перевести меня 10 лет.у меня есть мама и папа.у моей мамы есть сестра она моя тетя.у моего папы есть брат он мой дядя.у папы есть мама она моя бабушка.у моей мамы есть мама и папа они мои бабушка и дедушка.у меня много двоюродных сестер и братьев
My name is Viktor. I am 10. I have a mother and a father. Ma mother has a sister. She is my aunt. My father has a brother. He is my uncle. My father has a mother. She is my grandmother. My mother has a mother and a father. They are my grandparents. I have got a lot of cousins.
Предложения в страдательном залоге: Jazz is type of music and the only art form that was created in the United States. Jazz was created by black Americans. Many blacks were broght from Africa to America as slaves. Different native songs were sung by the black slaves and the music of their homeland was played in America. It is made up of the music of West Africa,the work songs of the slaves and religious music. The first jazz bands were formed at the end of the 19th century. This means that jazz music is made up or created on the spot. This is why a jazz song can sound a little different each time it is played. Today jazz is played all over the world. On every continent special festivals are held where jazz muscians from the United States, Asia, Africa, South America and Europe meet and share their music. Let's hope that no matter what happens in music jazz will always be performed and listened to.
Her decision to cancel the concert will disappoint her fans. I really appreciate your support. She ignored my question and changed the subject. They had a quarrel about money. I've reserved a room in a five-star hotel for my vacation. She heard the sound of footsteps outside. Jane is an incorrigible bookworm; I've never seen her without a book in her hands. His two-year-old daughter is a little chatterbox. The child laughed with delight when he saw a puppy. She liked to swim in a pool with dolphins. Watching TV in the evening was their usual family entertainmment. She always made a melodrama of every little problem. They called a meeting to clear up any misunderstandings between the companies. We were impressed by the professionalism of the staff. In the beginning of the meeting we were asked to take our seats. The stuntman crashed through the window on a motorcycle.
My name is Viktor. I am 10. I have a mother and a father. Ma mother has a sister. She is my aunt. My father has a brother. He is my uncle. My father has a mother. She is my grandmother. My mother has a mother and a father. They are my grandparents. I have got a lot of cousins.