1. The sky is CLEANER
than it was yesterday.
2. The weather is BETTER than it was yesterday.
3. My colleagues are BUSIER
this week than they were last week.
4. This way to the railway station is SHORTER than that one.
5. This dictionary is WORSE than that one.
6. I've got MORE friends than you've got .
7. I've been to Europe MORE times than you've been.
8. I've got LESS work than my colleague has got.
9. My sister remembers by heart FEWER poems than I remember.
10. This magazine is MORE INTERESTING than that one.
11. This car is MORE EXPENSIVE than that one.
12. This poet is MORE TALENTED than that poet.
to be going - это просто идти куда-то (УЖЕ), двигаться куда-то. (Im sorry i can not talk right now . im going to school , - извини я не могу сейчас разговаривать, я иду в школу )
to be going to - это собираться что-то сделать (в ближайшее время) Im going to get up earlier and finish my homework- Я собираюсь встать пораньше и закончить свою домашку.
Im going to visit my granparents the next weekend - Я собираюсь навестить моих дедушку и бабушку на следующих выходных
Oh god! Im gonna pee! - (когда слишком смешно) - О хоспаде я сейчас описаюсь! :)
I love my friend.