1)you don't have to apologise; it isn't necessary. 2) You mustn't tell the boss what happened, or he'll fire you. 3) I don't have to wear a tie; I do it because i like wearing ties. 4)You mustn't smoke in here; smoking is not allowed. 5) I mustn't be late. It's the most important meeting of the year. 6)You don't have to go now; you can stay a bit longer. 7) Visitors to the zoo mustn't feed the animals. 8) You don't have to drive so fast; we have a lot of time. 9) We don't have to cook more; there's enough food. 10) You mustn't put salt in her food; the doctor said she can't eat salt.
The Bolshoi Theatre. The Bolshoi Theatre is one of the oldest and biggest theatres in Russia. It is also one of the most renowned opera and ballet theatres in the world. People sometimes call it shortly "The Bolshoi" and it is situated in the central part of Moscow. Originally it was an Imperial theatre. The architect who designed the building of The Bolshoi was Joseph Bove. It was built between 1821 and 1824. Since then, the building was renovated and rebuilt several times. However, it kept its original imperial decorations. Today, it’s not simply the building of the theatre but it is also an outstanding landmark of Moscow. The neoclassical view of The Bolshoi can be seen on the Russian 100-ruble banknote. The theatre is always associated with opera and ballet. It has been the site for many notable premiers. Among them, Rachmaninoff’s “Aleko”, Mussorgsky’s “Boris Godunov”, Tchaikovsky’s “The Voyevoda” and “Mazeppa”. Ballet repertoire includes Tchaikovsky’s “Swan Lake”, Prokofiev’s “Romeo and Juliet”, Adam’s “Giselle” and several others. Many productions are based on classical works of Russian composers. However, the works of such Italian composers as Verdi, Rossini and Puccini are also staged. The Bolshoi Theatre is well-known throughout the world. It is frequently visited by tourists and guests of Moscow. There is another interesting theatre, which is also beloved by visitors. It is The Bolshoi’s sibling – The Maly Theatre. It is situated next to The Bolshoi Theatre but specializes in dramas. Большой театр. Большой театр является одним из старейших и крупнейших театров России. Он также является одним из самых известных оперных и балетных театров в мире. Люди иногда называют его в ближайшее время "Большой" и расположен в центральной части Москвы. Первоначально это был императорский театр. Архитектор, который проектировал здание Большого был Бове. Он был построен между 1821 и 1824. С тех пор здание было реконструировано и перестроено несколько раз. Тем не менее, он сохранил свои оригинальные имперские украшения. Сегодня это не просто здание театра, но он также является выдающимся памятником Москвы. Неоклассическая Вид Большого можно увидеть на российской 100-рублевой купюре. Театр всегда ассоциируется с оперы и балета. Он был местом для многих известных премьеров. Среди них, Рахманинова "Алеко", Мусоргского "Борис Годунов", П. И. Чайковского "Воевода" и "Мазепа". Балет репертуаре Чайковского "Лебединое озеро", Прокофьева "Ромео и Джульетта", Адама "Жизель" и ряд других. Многие произведения основаны на классических произведений русских композиторов. Тем не менее, также в постановке произведения таких итальянских композиторов, как Верди, Россини и Пуччини. Большой театр хорошо известен во всем мире. Он часто посещают туристы и гости Москвы. Существует еще один интересный театр, который также является любимым среди посетителей. Это родной брат Большого театра - Малый театр. Он расположен рядом с Большой театр, но специализируется на драмах.
2) You mustn't tell the boss what happened, or he'll fire you.
3) I don't have to wear a tie; I do it because i like wearing ties.
4)You mustn't smoke in here; smoking is not allowed.
5) I mustn't be late. It's the most important meeting of the year.
6)You don't have to go now; you can stay a bit longer.
7) Visitors to the zoo mustn't feed the animals.
8) You don't have to drive so fast; we have a lot of time.
9) We don't have to cook more; there's enough food.
10) You mustn't put salt in her food; the doctor said she can't eat salt.