So, let's talk about books! Books are very important and useful nowadays, but,unfortunately, some people don't read them. It's a pity because in books people can find a lot of interesting information and facts. I'm convinced that books should be read by everyone. As for me, I like reading a lot! It helps me to study in school
I am Andrew Kiporuk. I am a puple of the 10th form. I get ut ap 7 o'clock. I wash myself and dress.I make a bed. My friend come to me at half past 7 and we go to the school. At school I have 7 lessons. I come back home at 3 o'clock. I have dinner. Then I walk with my dog. Then help my mother at home. Sometime go for shopping, pour the flowers. I begin to do my homework at 5 o'clock. I watch TV very seldom, because I have many home task. Sometime Andrey Saynov comes to me. We talk about our school business. He studied in colledge. I listen to the music very often. I have supper at 7 o'clock. After 8 o'clock my brothers come to me. And we play on the computer. At 10 o'clock I go to bed.
Hello! My name is and I'm years old. I am (short or tall) and (fat or slim). I have got hair and eyes. I like (dancing,swimming..) and (singing,reading). I can ,, and . I have got a pet. (It is a cat). I live in the . It's a beautiful town. Схема,разбор и перевод: Перевод: Привет! Меня зовут (вставляем имя) и мне (вставляем возраст) лет. Я (низкая или высокая,вставляем) и я (толстая или худая,вставляем) У меня (цвет глаз) глаза и (цвет волос) волосы. (Если есть питомец пишем I have got a pet и рассказываем о нём, если нету,то добавляем "нот" и не пишем кто это!). Я живу в (вставляем название города). Это очень красивый город.
Books are very important and useful nowadays, but,unfortunately, some people don't read them. It's a pity because in books people can find a lot of interesting information and facts. I'm convinced that books should be read by everyone. As for me, I like reading a lot! It helps me to study in school