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Переведите на язык год назад я переехала в казахстан.когда мне было 14 лет.я приехала из испании.так как моих родителей пригласили поработать в казахстан.сначала я не хотела ехать туда так как тут все мои друзья.но приехав в казахстан я поменяла мнение о нем.мне понравились люди их общение и особенно понравились достопримечательности.мы ходили в белый дом,ханшатыр,пирамиду эти достопримечательности находятся в нашем городе.также посещали достопримечательности других городов например медеу который находиться в городе алматы.мне понравился свежий воздух в горах и мы повеселись с семьей.мне нравиться эта страна и теперь я даже уезжать отсюда не хочу.

I moved to Kazakhstan one year ago. I was 14 years old. Our family moved from Spain because my parents were offered work in Kazakhstan. At first I didn't want to move because I had a lot of friends in Spain. But when we finally moved to Kazakhstan I changed my opinion about this country. I like people here and there are lots of sights to see. We have visited White House, Khan Shatyr, Palace of Peace and Reconciliation which are located Astana where I live now. We also have visited sights in other cities, for example, Medeo which located in Almaty. Our family also have visited  mountains. We had a great time there. I like this country very much and now I even don't want to move from here.

P.S. Я немного изменила перевод, так что пишу тебе и его.

Я переехала в Казахстан год назад. Мне тогла было 14 лет. Наша семья переехала из Испании, потому что моим родителям предложили работу в Казахстане. Сначала я не хотела переезжать потому что у меня было много друзей в Испании. Но когда мы наконец переехали, я поменяла мнение об этой стране. Мне нравяться люди здесь и к здесь полно достопремичательностей. Мы посетили Белый Дом, Хан Шатыр, Дворец Мира и Согласия (примечание от меня: это и есть пирамида) , которые находяться Астане - в городе, котором я теперь живу. Мы также посетили достопремичательности в других городах, например, стадион Модео, который находиться в Алма-Ате. Наша семья также посетила горы. Мы отлично провели там время. Мне очень нравиться эта страна, что теперь я даже не хочу отсюда переезжать.
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Annotation to the master's thesis on the theme "environmental and economic problems of development of the oil and gas industry of the Caspian region of the Republic of Kazakhstan" on specialty 6М060800 "Ecology"
Relevance work.On today the mankind is on the threshold of global ecological crisis caused by unsustainable human activities. Therefore, at this stage, as ever, is becoming increasingly important to compliance with all environmental requirements for all entities. A modern economy is primarily to ensure the rational use of natural resources, which are necessary to perform in order to minimize negative environmental impact.
The purpose of this work.Consists in the study of ecological and economic problems and environmental protection measures in the oil and gas industry, also in the justification of the problems and prospects of oil and gas industry of the Caspian region.
To achieve the goals set forth the following scientific problems:
1) assess the oil and gas resources of the Caspian region;
2) describe the environmental problems;
3) to analyse the problems and prospects of oil and gas industry in the Caspian region;
Subject of research - economic and environmental problems of the Caspian oil and gas regions.
Scientific but a visa is not is developing a programme of measures for solving ecological and economic problems and assessment of prospects of development of the oil and gas industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Approbation of the work. The main provisions of this thesis presented the theses of the scientific-practical conference devoted to the 50th anniversary of T. Ryskulov T.Ryskulov "current state of the oil and gas sector in Kazakhstan"and in the article "Problems and perspectives of the Caspian oil and gas complex" magazine "the Bulletin of the Kazakh economic University"
Structure and volume thesis. corresponds to the research aims and objectives and includes an introduction, three sections, conclusion, the list of sources and literature. 
In the introduction was described in the need to develop a qualitatively new approach to solving ecological and economic problems of development of the Caspian region. Such an approach should ensure the sustainable development of oil and gas complex of Kazakhstan, implying along with economic growth, the reduction of the technogenic load on the environment and observance of the rights of future generations to the use of natural resources of the country.
In the first Chapter was reviewed by the oil and gas complex development in the world.
The author suggested that oil and gas in the nearest future will remain the primary sources of energy for mankind, that oil and gas have played and will play an important role in human life. Despite the expansion of the use of nontraditional, renewable sources of energy in the foreseeable future, oil and gas will remain the major energy resources in all countries of the world. Another thing that will be a redistribution of roles between them: motor fuels derived from oil, will gradually be replaced with compressed and liquefied gases.
In the second Chapter was reviewed by the oil and gas complex development in the Republic of Kazakhstan, namely in the Caspian region, analyse the environmental problems of the region.
The third section describes the prospects of development of the oil and gas industry of the Caspian region.
In conclusion, on the basis of the conducted research, and analyze sources and literature on this subject, it is possible to make the following conclusions:
-in General, the oil complex currently has sufficient sources of investments for the realization of the considered directions of its development and oil and gas services - it is an effective instrument for the realization of geopolitical and geo-economic goals.
-protection of mineral resources envisages a complex of measures to prevent losses of oil in the ground due to low quality of sinking wells, violation of technology in developing oil fields and operation of wells, leading to premature irrigation or degassing reservoirs, flow of fluid between productive and neighboring levels and the destruction of oily rocks, casing and cement her.
-environmental protection provides for measures aimed at ensuring security of settlements, rational use of land and water, preventing pollution of surface and groundwater, air pollution, protection of forests, nature reserves, protected areas, etc.

4,7(78 оценок)
1) I can't give you John's article now.It is being translated. 2) We couldn't get in because the rooms were being painted.
3) When your granny was a little girl,computer games were not played.
4) In England milk and newspapers are brought to the door of your cottage.
5) At the moment a new bridge is being built across the river.
6) I can't give you any information about the project.It is being discussed now.
7) Christmas and Easter are celebrated in many European countries.
8) Such cakes are made easily.
9) What about the hall?-When I entered the house it was being decorated.
10) Everybody was busy.The rooms were being prepered for the arriving guests.
4,5(54 оценок)
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