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Brazil is the largest country in South America. It is characterized by beautiful nature, warm and humid climate, as well as a diverse animal world. In addition to the mainland, it includes several beautiful Islands. Here the most fragrant coffee, the most incendiary music, the most carefree residents and a lot of monkeys. For our citizens, the exotic is found at every step and it is very difficult to explore Brazil well in a short vacation. Before a trip, you should determine the route in advance and choose the theme of your trip, whether it is a beach holiday, a vibrant nightlife, meeting the inhabitants of small towns or a tour of the Amazon.Brazil crosses several climate zones: from Equatorial to subtropical. The climate throughout the territory is quite warm and humid, especially in the dense jungle. The change of seasons is characterized not so much by temperature changes, but by the amount of precipitation. In the North, the air temperature is kept at +23-27°C for the whole year, and the amount of precipitation in the Selva is 2200 mm. On the southern border, winter cold spells of up to +14°C are possible, and the average annual precipitation does not exceed 700 mm.The national and racial makeup of Brazilians is very rich. European colonists, residents of Africa and Asia, as well as native American tribes took part in its formation. The official language is Portuguese, and Brazilians also speak Italian, Spanish, French, English, and Japanese.
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