Sport is very important in our life and it's difficult to imagine the way we would live without it. Personally, I like playing tennis. This is an individual kind of sport, so I do not depend on the team. In case of loss no one will blame me for it. That's the main reason why I like tennis. Playing this game, you can also develop some physical skills, such as dexterity, reaction and stamina. Tennis helps you to relax and forget about some problems as you get immered into the game. Moreover, there are many people around the world who also like this kind of sport. This is a great chance to make new friends.Isn't it great?
b) I had A strange experience the other day.
c) There was time when people were nicer to each other.
d) money is a necessary evil.
e) water is my favourite drink.
2. Use a singular or plural verb form.
a) Gymnastics IS my favourite sport.
b) There IS some money on the table.
c) His hair IS blond.
d) Statistics DOESn't interest me.
e) The police WERE looking for the missing child.
3. Fill in the gaps with much/many/a lot of.
a) How MUCH time do we have?
b) I don’t have MANY friends, but all of them are worthy.
c) He doesn’t earn MUCH money, but enough to live on.
d) How MANY times have you been abroad?
e) A LOT OF people come to see the gallery.