генерал корнилов был одержим благородной целью – спасением россии и народа от человеконенавистнической власти большевиков и «пролетариата». армия корнилова состояла из профессиональных военных, верных сынов россии. его выступление не увенчалось успехом, т.к большевики сосредоточили против него в 10 раз превосходящие силы. корниловцы дрались храбро, но в таких условиях победа была недостижима.
I. Complete the sentences choosing the right word.
1) Speak a bit louder, please. I can hardly hear you. 2) It’s too late to go to the swimming pool. It is already closed. 3) I think Paul is a high sportsman. 4) This is the best game I’ve seen lately. 5) There is a new swimming pool near our school. 6) Look! The bird is flying highly in the sky. 7) Get up! It’s nearly eight. 8) To become an athlete you’ll have to train very hard.
II. Complete the sentences: put the adverbs in brackets in appropriate form.
1) Please speak loudly. I can’t hear you. 2) We got there quicker than Mr. Potter. 3) She drives more carefully in the evening than in the morning. 4) I can swim better than my friend. (well) 5) Tom jumps worst of all. 6) Could you read more slowly, please? 7) Of all my friends, Kate dresses most beautifully. 8) Which song does she like best of all?
III. Mark the statements true (T) or false (F). (Если F, то пишите правильный вариант, что бы получилось T)
1) When you have a toothache, you go to the dentist. (T) 2) Sick people don’t stay in bed if they’ve got flu. (F) Sick people stay in bed if they’ve got flu. 3) If you get wet on a cold day, you might get a cold. (T) 4) People usually go to the doctor when they feel well. (F) People usually go to the doctor when they feel bad. 5) A pharmacy is a shop where medicines are sold. (T) 6)We seldom cough when we’ve got a cold. (F) We often cough when we’ve got a cold. 7) If a student has got a sore throat he shouldn’t miss school. (F) If a student has got a sore throat he should miss school. 8) If I run fast, I might get a backache. (T)
IV.Speak about possible ways to keep fit. Use the information from the unit. (15 небольших предложений)
In today's world some people don't want to keep their fit. Teenagers need only Internet, TV and music. Adults too busy nowadays, they have a lot of work. But there are lot of possible ways to keep fit. Firstly, our city has gyms. There are a lot of sport equipment. Secondly, people can jog and swim. We have stadium. Thirdly, we can eat only healthy food. Fast food and other harmful food destroy our organism. Healthy food can destroy the obesity problem. Sport can improve our world. I think, every person must do sports and keep fit. It's very important for out generation.
Мое самое главное хобби – это рисование.Я хожу в художественную школу. Мне там очень нравится. В художественной школе царит настоящая атмосфера мастерства и творчества. Мы обычно рисуем натюрморты, иногда людей.Рисуя же дома ,я чувствую гармонию .Надеюсь моё увлечение перерастет во что-то большее.
на английском My main hobby is drawing.I go to art school. I like it very much. In art school there is an atmosphere of skill and creativity. We draw still lifes, sometimes people.Drawing at home ,I feel harmony .I hope my hobby will grow into something more.
генерал корнилов был одержим благородной целью – спасением россии и народа от человеконенавистнической власти большевиков и «пролетариата». армия корнилова состояла из профессиональных военных, верных сынов россии. его выступление не увенчалось успехом, т.к большевики сосредоточили против него в 10 раз превосходящие силы. корниловцы дрались храбро, но в таких условиях победа была недостижима.