My future profession.
As the head of State Nursultan Nazarbayev said: “the bright future is in the hands of young people”, our future is in our hands.
Recently, I have been thinking a lot about who I will become when I grow up, what profession I will choose. I understand that choosing a profession is one of the bricks of your life. It means not only choosing the job you want to do, but also choosing the environment in which you want to interact. In life, a person should not make a mistake when choosing a profession. I think that it is a dream of every person to find their place in life and work honestly. Of course, everyone also has a different choice.
Choosing a profession is a very responsible and important task. When choosing a profession, each person should rely on their own interests, abilities, inclinations, and preferences. Today, there are many types of professions. Making a choice is not easy. The most important thing is that a person should be able to work, be attentive and make an important and valuable contribution to the environment in which he grew up.
My dream is to become a doctor. I love being a doctor. The doctor is the healing he gave to people, the souls who heal people and make people live!
Doctors are usually referred to by our people as "wise people in white coats". Because they heal the sick and destroy their souls. He works tirelessly, putting all his knowledge and effort into the recovery of patients. Being a doctor requires a lot of responsibility. After all, these people should be ready to come to the rescue whenever possible. These people work tirelessly.
To become a doctor, you also need a lot of patience, because to become a doctor, you need to study and study for many years. But in the end, I think that if the person you cured is healed, then there is no greater joy and happiness. This is what your work is worth.
To become a doctor, you need to be careful not to neglect your work. Because human life and health can be threatened.
I firmly believe that I chose my future profession correctly.
каждый пробел с одним из следующих предлогов: in, at, for, of, to, with, over, around. Оксана - спортсменка, неоднократно завоевавшая медали, и паралимпийская спортсменка в лыжном спорте, участвует в соревнованиях 1). 1 км спринт, 5 км, 10 км и 12 км. Она участвовала в чемпионате мира по лыжным гонкам IPC 2015 года, Паралимпийских зимних играх 2014 года, США 2014 года 2) Оксана заняла девять первых трех мест 3) карьера, включая серебряную и бронзовую медали 4) Паралимпийские игры 2014 года. Оксана боролась 5). 7) физическая нагрузка 8) гребля, и я принял решение заняться еще одним летним видом спорта. Ручной Велоспорт, аналогичный по механике 9). мускулистые плечи. За свою короткую спортивную карьеру Оксана выиграла две бронзовые медали Кубка мира и бронзовую медаль 10) в Шампейне, штат Иллинойс. и отчитаюсь 11) Как половина 13) Возможность путешествовать и соревноваться в чайном мире. Норди-биатлон - это зимний вид спорта, сочетающий в себе кросс-кантри и стрельбу из винтовки. Изначально это было упражнение 15), сочетающее в себе устойчивость, сосредоточенность и силу. итого, ее okanaMatere спины летом 6) 2014 в результате лыжного спорта, использует мир пара-велоспорта UCI Оксаны. Оксана самостоятельно тренирует лыжную команду Nordie 12) зимой. в гребной команде Team Bad Company у Оксаны были тренировки - норвежские солдаты; это сложный вид спорта, который