A:hello, you never guess what happened to me.
B:Hello, what is this? you look a little scared.
A:Oh dear.I had quite a shock.
A:I was in the park, when suddenly there were some rustles in the bushes, I was very scared, but ...
it was a little kitten, by the way I took him home.
B:really, but I was already scared, it's so cute
A:ok, see you later.
B: OK, good luck
A:привет, ты никогда не догодаешься что со мной произошло.
B:Привет, что это? ты выглядишь немного напугано.
A:О боже, я был в шоке.
A:я был в парке,как вдруг в кустах были какие то шорохи ,я очень испугалась,но...
это был маленький котенок,кстати я забрала его себе домой.
B:правда,а я уже испугалась,это же так мило
A:ладно,увидемся позже
A: Hey Anya, you look terrific! 1) Have you lost some kilos? B: Thanks, Lina. Actually, I’m still the same weight but I 2) have become fitter. A: Ah, you 3) have started an exercise programme, then. B: That’s right. My sister 4) has persuaded me to go to the gym with her. And I’m really glad. After just a month, I 5) have built up a bit of muscle, which is what’s making me look different. A: Well, working out 6) have done you a lot of good. B: It’s not just working out, I 7) have given up unhealthy food, like sugary snacks and junk food. I 8) haven't have chocolate or a burger for a month! A: That must be tough! B: No, I 9) haven't missed junk food really. There are healthier options to try. A: That all sounds great. Good for you! B: 10) Have you thought about working out? You can come to my gym. A: I’ll think about it and let you know.
2)It's the most interesting newspaper I have ever read
3)It's the most difficult text I have ever translated
5)It's the most clever( the smartest, я не уверена про the most clever) pet I have ever had
6) He's The most industrious person I've ever met
Я не знаю, если тут вам обязательно ever. Если нет, то просто уберите