okay, my favorite draw is «Sistine Madonna» by
Raphael Santi.
The painting depicts the Madonna and child. Next to them are Pope Sixtus II and Saint Barbara. The virgin descends from heaven directly to the viewer and looks into his eyes. In this image, Raphael managed to connect two worlds. If in medieval images everything divine was always immaterial, then in Renaissance images of saints it becomes more human. Even the heavens seem so dense that an earthly woman can walk through them with a child in her arms. Her eyes are full of concern for her son's fate. It is curious that the Pope took off his tiara in front of the Madonna, although during the liturgies, that is, before God, he always wears it.
The real popularity of the painting came only in the XIX century, when the Sistine Madonna was admired throughout Europe, including in Russia. Even Alexander Pushkin admired her, although he had never been abroad. The angels below made the picture popular in the 20th century, when marketers started using them in advertising. Curiously, the background behind the Madonna, which appears to be clouds, seems to be woven from the heads of angels.
«Sistine Madonna» by
Raphael Santi.
how you like that? i trying) yeah
1. I am not so old as my sister
(Я не такая взрослая, как моя сестра)
2. Today it is as rainy as it was yesterday
(Сегодня также дождливо, как и вчера)
3. This picture is as wonderful as that one
( Эта картина такая же прекрасная, как и та)
4. The pig-farm isn't so big as the cattle-farm
(Cвиноферма не такая большая, как животноводческая ферма)
5. The daughter's hair is as dark as her mother's
(Волосы дочери такие же темные, как и у её мамы)
6. The bedroom isn't so light as the living-room
(Спальня не такая светлая, как зал)
-You"re welkome.
-What__IS___ your mother"s name?
-How__OLD __is she?
-She's from a small town in Siberia.
-_WHAT__is your father's name?
-Nikolay.Nikolay Ivanov.
-_HOW_ old is he?
-He's?three years older than mum/
-___WHERE__ is he from?
He is__FROM__ Kuban.
-Thank you for the interview,Marina.
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