Sport in Kyrgyzstan is not just recreation, but also training of willpower. People had to be strong and resourceful in order to survive in the mountains and steppes, and sports helped them acquire the necessary skills for this. Sport also reflected the traditions and values of the Kyrgyz people, helping them pass their culture down from generation to generation over the centuries.
The most popular sporting events in Kyrgyzstan are equestrian games. Kok-Boru is a game in which, having split into teams of eight people, riders on horseback fight for the carcass of a goat, and having captured it, they must throw it into the opponent's goal, for which they are given points. Both the rider and the horse require a great deal of endurance and willpower, as well as a tolerance for pain. The rider also needs to be strong enough and physically prepared to lift a carcass from the ground and fight for a trophy with another player; at the same time, you need to dodge and repulse the attacks of opponents, and this cannot be done without dexterity. Finally, victory can only be achieved by working together, becoming a united team and clearly understanding your partners. Regular games in kok-boru in ancient times were for the men of Kyrgyzstan the most real training before the war and hunting.
I think that people in future will forget how to communicate with each other, they won't talk face-to-face. They'll have no time and great need in it. I think that much will depend on the Internet, and if we always use it, we'll be always very stressful, rude, impolite, and it'll annoy other people. Or maybe scientists will invent such gadgets which will read our thoughts and people won't use words but they will just share their thoughts.
Думаю, что люди в будущем забудут, как общаться друг с другом, не будут разговаривать лицом к лицу. У них не будет на это времени и большой нужды. Я думаю, что многое будет зависеть от интернета, и если мы всегда будем им пользоваться, мы всегда будем очень подвержены стрессам, будем грубыми, невежливыми, и это будет раздражать других людей. Или, может быть, ученые изобретут такие гаджеты, которые будут читать наши мысли, и люди не будут использовать слова, а просто будут делиться своими мыслями.
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