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In the end of November a greatest annual event started in Manama, the capital of Bahrain. The Bahrain Boatshow International which is provided under the patronizing of the King of Bahrain every year is receiving thousands richest people of the world. Opened on November, 24th, the Show lasted three days and had a great reflection not only among the Arabian countries but all over the world.
The Bahrain Boatshow International is not only a market event but also a big international cultural fest. Annually the most famous artists, singers and sportsmen take part there and it has already become a special style of the Show.
This year there was a very unusual special guest who brightened the Boatshow -- a sand artist Kseniya Simonova from Ukraine. She created a special sand story about the diverse and dramatically eventful history of Bahrain, about its multicultural and creative atmosphere.
The Bahrain Boatshow International opening ceremony started in the midday, and in the evening after the sunset, there came a magic time of a sand animation. From all the screens which were situated everywhere, Kseniya Simonova greeted in English the hosts and the guests of the event (about 15 thousand people were guests of the Show). She told them how she was charmed and inspired with the sights and history of Bahrain, which became the canvas of her sand story. Then Kseniya wished the spectators: "Enjoy watching!" and the sandy world of fantasy came over the evening.
One of the most fascinating moments of Simonova's sand performance was the slow appearing of the King's portrait in front of the sight of night Manama. This movement was met with long ovations. The sand film was also presented to His Majesty the King and the Highest guest of the Bahrain Boatshow International.
According to the Organization Committee of the Show, Kseniya's sand performance became one of the most discussed events of the Boatshow.
Kseniya Simonova and her art appeared to be virtually familiar to the Bahrain's audience. Many of the citizens and guest of the country have not only watched her famous sand story about World War II (which she performed at the "Ukraine's Got Talent") on YouTube but have loaded it into their mobile phones. The sand story about Bahrain was broadcasted on the "Bahrain TV" and on all the screens of the Bahrain Boatshow International.          
В конце ноября в столице Бахрейна, Манаме, состоялось событие, ежегодно собирающее самых богатых людей планеты -- Bahrain Boatshow International, под эгидой Короля Бахрейна. Открывшись 24 ноября, шоу продолжалось три дня и имело колоссальный резонанс не только среди арабских стран, но и во всём мире.
Специальным гостем шоу стала украинская художница Ксения Симонова. Она создала историю из песка, повествующую о многоликой и мультикультурной истории Бахрейна.
По словам Ксении, такие выступления требуют колоссальной подготовки -- от изучения истории каждой из стран до полного погружения в мир каждой культуры. Начало боут-шоу состоялось днём, а вечером, после захода солнца, наступило время песочной анимации. Со всех экранов Ксения Симонова обратилась к хозяевам и гостям шоу (гостями события стало около 15 тыс.человек) со словами приветствия на английском языке. Она сказала, что культура этого маленького государства с невероятной историей вдохновила её на создание песочной анимации. Она пожелала всем приятного просмотра, и началось волшебство песочной анимации.
Одним из кульминационных моментов было медленное появление портрета Короля Аль Халифа на фоне ночного вида Манамы. Этот момент был встречен бурными овациями. Фильм также был показан в присутствие самого Короля и других высочайших особ арабского мира, прибывших на шоу.
По словам организаторов Bahrain Boatshow International, выступление Ксении было одним из самых обсуждаемых событий мероприятия.

4,5(69 оценок)
Открыть все ответы
1) Did your friend play basketball in summer? Yes, they did.
Твои друзья играли в баскетбол летом?
2) Did your friends lie in the sun in summer? No, they didn't.
загарали на солнце?
3) Did your friends go to the country in summer? - Yes, they did.
ездили в деревню (за город) летом?
4) Did your friends go roller-skating in summer? - No, they didn't.
катались на роликах?
Future (будущее)
1) Will your friend play basketball in summer? -Yes, they will.
2) Will your friends lie in the sun in summer?   -Yes, they will.
3) Will your friends go to the country in summer? - No, they won't.
4) Will your friends go roller-skating in summer? - No, they won't.
4,5(29 оценок)

- Good morning, sir!

- Good morning!

- Can I ask you a question? I am a foreigner and would like to spend a day in the city, but do not know where to start.

- I would advise to start from the center of our city. There are many attractions here. You can start with St. Paul's Cathedral - one of the oldest and most beautiful churches in London.

- Thank you for your advice. I have heard a lot about her history and the ancient murals inside her. But as a journalist, I would like to know more about the history of the English press.

- Then, you would better visit the famous Fleet Street, there are many offices of famous newspapers, and if you want you can even talk to some of the journalists who work there.

- It's a nice idea! An interview with a London journalist is what I need for my next article.

- If you want to know more about the history of London and its press, you would better visit the British Museum. There is a wonderful library that contains many old newspapers and magazines published in London.

- It would be great to read news that interested people many decades ago!

- Yes, but you can also stroll the streets of London and see the history of its ancient buildings and landmarks. Here are 17th, 18th and 19th century buildings. Those who survived the Great Fire.

- Thank you for your advice. I am sure this day will bring me many unforgettable impressions.

- Have a nice stay in London!

4,5(4 оценок)
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