Невероятный Паучек! Автор: Анна Смит. Питер Паркер был спокойным подростком. Он жил в маленьком доме в Нью Йорке со своей тётей Мэри. У Питера было мало друзей. Его лучшая подруга, Мэри Джейн, жила по соседству. Однажды паук укусил Питера в научной лаборатории. Теперь он обладает особыми Теперь он сильный и быстрый, и умеет лазать по стенам, прямо как паук! Люди любят его, но его враг, злой Зелёный Гоблин, уже следует за ним. Сможет ли Человек-Паук остановить его? Посмотрите этот изумительный фильм, чтобы это выяснить!
Sport is undoubtedly important and useful for people, although there are some sports that use violence and cruelty. For example, boxing, freestyle wrestling, martial arts, cage fighting, auto racing, armored combat, etc. Some people find these sports spectacular. That’s why they quickly gained popularity around the world. However, I think that these sports are inhuman and risky. Many prominent sportsmen have lost their lives to violent sports. Moreover, it is rather common to exploit carelessly animals in some sports, such as medieval tournaments or bullfighting. Spectators spend large sums of money to watch this cruelty. Instead, I think these performances should be banned. Some sports can be still allowed, as they have certain advantages. For example, boxing is considered to be one of the most dangerous sports in the world. People break legs, arms and noses doing this sport. However, sportsmen, who did boxing at some stage of their life, say that this sport forms a strong character and turns a person into a real fighter. Boxers are also rather self-confident and physically strong. Martial arts can be both brutal and useful.
Sport is undoubtedly important and useful for people, although there are some sports that use violence and cruelty. For example, boxing, freestyle wrestling, martial arts, cage fighting, auto racing, armored combat, etc. Some people find these sports spectacular. That’s why they quickly gained popularity around the world. However, I think that these sports are inhuman and risky. Many prominent sportsmen have lost their lives to violent sports. Moreover, it is rather common to exploit carelessly animals in some sports, such as medieval tournaments or bullfighting. Spectators spend large sums of money to watch this cruelty. Instead, I think these performances should be banned. Some sports can be still allowed, as they have certain advantages. For example, boxing is considered to be one of the most dangerous sports in the world. People break legs, arms and noses doing this sport. However, sportsmen, who did boxing at some stage of their life, say that this sport forms a strong character and turns a person into a real fighter. Boxers are also rather self-confident and physically strong. Martial arts can be both brutal and useful.
Автор: Анна Смит.
Питер Паркер был спокойным подростком. Он жил в маленьком доме в Нью Йорке со своей тётей Мэри. У Питера было мало друзей. Его лучшая подруга, Мэри Джейн, жила по соседству. Однажды паук укусил Питера в научной лаборатории. Теперь он обладает особыми Теперь он сильный и быстрый, и умеет лазать по стенам, прямо как паук! Люди любят его, но его враг, злой Зелёный Гоблин, уже следует за ним. Сможет ли Человек-Паук остановить его? Посмотрите этот изумительный фильм, чтобы это выяснить!