Find the meaning of the following idioms and use them to complete the sentences. go like hot cakes, the icing on the cake, be a piece of cake, to have one’s cake and eat it, cakes and ale 1. the book has only just been published and copies are already in both britain and america. 2. i was just content to see my daughter in such a stable relationship but a grandchild, that was really 3. our team is strong, but it won't to make it to the finals. 4. doug was engaged to ann and still dating jane; he was trying 5. kids these days think only of not of the hard work they need to put in to be successful.
When I met Tom, he went and ate ice cream, which is bought on a street corner in a small store. 3. When my mother came home, the children ate the soup, which she had prepared in the morning. 4. When I came home, my sister was reading a book that previously took in the library. 5. When I called Mike, he taught a poem that began to teach in school. 6. When I looked at it, he saw that the children were playing with a ball, which I gave them. 7. By seven o'clock all the children have finished their games and enthusiastically watched a very interesting cartoon. 8. When the father came home, we were preparing the mushrooms that he had collected the whole day yesterday