There are many kinds of sports,but I prefer skiing.I often was skiing and I really liked.It's very cool to go down a steep hill on them.Feeling of speed, gust of wind, and even fear produces my adrenaline,and I want to go down again and again.Also,I very often watch ski competition and my favorite athlete is Petter Northug.And I hope,that in future I will be like him.
1.Chop the garlic finely.2. Whisk oil, lemon juice, garlic, honey, cumin, paprika, and cinnamon in a bowl. Season with salt and pepper.3. Peel and slice the carrot and the raddish thinly.4. Combine the carrot and radish in a large bowl.5. Add dressing and torn mint leaves to the salad. Toss to combine. Serve. Мелко порубите чеснок.Смешайте масло, лимонный сок, чеснок, мед, тмин, перец и корицу в миске. Приправьте солью и перцем.Очистите и мелко нашинкуйте нарежьте морковь и редьку.Смешайте морковь и редьку в большой миске.Добавьте соус и нарвите в салат листья мяты . Перемешайте. Подавайте к столу.