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19.03.2020 04:22 •  Английский язык

Краткий пересказ erin : what were you listening to while i was making dinner ? bob: that was the king ! didn't you recognize his voice ? erin : no. do you mean kings of leon ? bob : no ,erin, the king of rock' n ' roll : elvis presley erin : who' s elvis presley ? bob: what ? elvis presley is the biggest pop music icon - ever ! erin : oh. i haven't heard of him bob: never mind . i'll never forget the day i discovered the king. i was listening to the radio when this incredible song came on. it was elvis. he was singing love me tender/ i'd never heard anything like it. erin: what do you mean bob: before elvis,there was classical music and jazz,but there had never been much music for us young people. then they started to play elvis presley's records on the radio. his music was really wild and his songs started a rock'n'roll craze all around the world . he was famous for his dancing too,although my parents' generation was rather shocked by it! erin: really ? what what were the videos like? bob: this was back in 1659,remember. they hadn't invented the video. and me couldn't afford a telly in those days. erin: i can't believe you lived without tv ! so how did you see elvis dancing them? bob: we went to see him in live show are so much betterthan tv! anyway , all the gadgets you use nowadays-mobile phone,games consoles-well,those didn't exist when i was a lad.inventions like mp3 players are very new/even your parents didn't have them when they were growing up.

Bob was fond of Elvis Presley music. He was a big fan of the King of rock'n'roll.
One day Bob told Erin about his favourite singer.
Bob heard the famous song "Love me tender" over the radio and he was very much impressed.
He said that before Elvis there was classical music and jazz. But since they started to play Elvis's records over the radio,the singer became very famous all over the world.
Bob explained that there was no video yet at that time and the young people went to see Elvis in live shows.it was much better than TV.
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Vladimir vladimirovich putin - the president of russia          vladimir putin was born in leningrad on october 7, 1952. in 1975, he graduated with a degree in law from leningrad state university. he later earned a ph.d. degree in economics. after graduation, mr. putin was assigned to work in the kgb. from 1985 to 1990, he worked in east germany. in 1990, he became assistant to the rector of leningrad state university responsible for international affairs. his next position was an advisor to the chairman of the leningrad city council. in june 1991, he became chairman of the st. petersburg city council's international relations committee and, starting with 1994, he combined this post with the position of first deputy chairman of the st. petersburg city government (first deputy mayor). in august 1996, he was appointed deputy head of the president's administrative directorate (property management directorate). in march 1997, he became deputy head of the executive office of the president (presidential administration) and head of the central supervision and inspections directorate. in may 1998, he was promoted to first deputy head of the presidential administration. in july 1998, he was appointed director of the federal security service and, as of march 1999, he combined this position with that of secretary of the security council. in august 1999, he was appointed prime minister. on december 31, 1999, he became acting president. on march 26, 2000, he was elected president of russia and was inaugurated as president on may 7, 2000. on march 14, 2004, he was elected president of russia for the second term. speaks german and english. married to lyudmila putina. they have two daughters: maria (1985), katerina(1986).   владимир владимирович путин - президент россии владимир путин родился в ленинграде 7 октября 1952 года. в 1975 году он окончил юридический факультет ленинградского государственного университета. позднее, он получил диплом в области . после окончания вуза, его назначили на работу в кгб. с 1985г. по 1990г. он работал в восточной германии. в 1990 году он стал ректора ленинградского государственного университета в отделе международных отношений. затем путин стал советником главы ленинградского городского совета. в июне 1991 года он стал председателем комитета международных отношений санкт-петербургского городского совета. начиная с 1994 года, он совмещал этот пост с должностью первого заместителя председателя санкт-петербургского городского совета (первым заместителем мэра). в августе 1996 года его назначили заместителем главы президентской администрации. в марте 1997 года он стал заместителем главы делами президента и главой по наблюдению и контролю. в мае 1998 года его выдвинули на пост первого заместителя главы президентской администрации. в июне 1998 года путин был назначен главой федеральной службы безопасности, а с марта 1999 он работал параллельно на должности секретаря совета безопасности. в августе 1999 года он был назначен па воет премьер министра. 31 декабря 1999 года путин стал исполняющим обязанности президента. 26 марта 2000 года он был избран президентом россии и вступил в должность 7 мая. 14 марта 2004 года его выбрали i [резидентом на второй срок. путин знает и языки. жену путина зовут людмила путина. у них есть две дочери — мария (1985 г. рождения) и екатерина (1986 г. рождения).  
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Chemistry is my favorite subject.  All classes are very interesting and varied.  Modern chemistry is a huge field of human knowledge and plays an important role in society.  Chemistry is closely related to other natural sciences.  Today it is impossible to name any sphere of production where the person did not come into contact with chemistry.  Virtually all of our lives, our health, our mood are closely linked to the many substances that surround us and the chemical processes that take place around us and within us.  That is why chemistry is an extremely interesting subject.

Most of all I like to work practically in classes, to perform laboratory work.  This knowledge will help us a lot in the future, especially for those who plan to connect their lives with chemistry.  I have only vivid impressions from classes.


Хімія – мій улюблений предмет. Всі заняття дуже цікаві та різноманітні. Сучасна хімія являє собою величезну галузь людських знань і відіграє важливу роль у житті суспільства. Хімія тісно пов'язана з іншими природничими науками. Сьогодні не можна назвати жодної сфери виробництва, де б людина не стикалася з хімією. Практично все наше життя, наше здоров'я, наш настрій тісно пов'язані з численними речовинами, що нас оточують, і хімічними процесами, що відбуваються навколо нас і всередині нас. Саме тому, хімія – надзвичайно цікавий предмет.

Найбільше я люблю на заняттях працювати практично, виконувати лабораторні роботи. Ці знання нам дуже до в майбутньому, особливо тим, хто планує пов’язати своє життя з хімією. В мене виникають тільки яскраві враження від занять.

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