Was John walking his funny cat in the park at 4 o’clock yesterday? Общий Who was walking his funny cat in the park at 4 o’clock yesterday? Вопрос к подлежащему When was John walking his funny cat in the park? Специальный Where was John walking his funny cat at 4 o’clock yesterday? Специальный What was John doing in the park at 4 o’clock yesterday? Специальный John was walking his funny cat in the park at 4 o’clock yesterday,wasn't he? Разделительный Was John walking his funny cat in the park at 4 or at 5 o’clock yesterday? Альтернативный
Длина орбиты, по которой Земля движется вокруг Солнца, в 23 тысячи раз больше длины экватора Земли. Самая большая по площади часть света — Азия(43,5 миллиона квадратных километров), самая меньшая — Австралия (вместе с Океанией около 9 миллионов квадратных километров). В Долине смерти, самом сухом и горячем месте на земном шаре, живет свыше 15 видов птиц, 40 видов млекопитающих, 44 вида пресмыкающихся, 12 видов амфибий, 13 видов рыб и 545 видов растений.
he length of the orbit along which the Earth moves around the Sun is 23 thousand times the length of the Earth's equator. The largest part of the world is Asia (43.5 million square kilometers), the smallest - Australia (together with Oceania about 9 million square kilometers) . In the Valley of Death, the driest and hottest place in the world, there are over 15 species of birds, 40 mammal species, 44 reptiles, 12 amphibians, 13 species of fish and 545 plant species.
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