Most of all people learned at school, but then, because of coronavirus all people become to study at home.
I really like it. Because it is very comfortable, to work at home, because you can drink cup of tea, when you are doing homework. You can make your homework on your bed. And because everybody have their own works, you must do everything, because of it you understand information better. But it also have disadvantages. You can think that it haven't disadvantages, but it is not so. You make your job in mobile phones or computers, so you can find everything in internet, because of it you will understand lessons worse.
But, if think about it, I can say that I like this programme more than old programme. It is really comfortable, only because of it I like this programme. But our teachers every time give us too much exercises, so it is too hard. But there more adventages than disadventages.
ответ:Do you have a place where you always want to return to, in which you feel truly free and comfortable? For example, I have one, and this place has always been and still remains the house in which I live. Therefore, I completely agree with the famous wisdom: "My home is my fortress."
Involuntarily you begin to think about why our ancestors called their home a fortress. The fortress is, it seems, a reliable fortification, which was built to constantly protect and protect a particular city from uninvited guests. And what does the century-old fortification have to do with a modern, comfortable home? I do not think that when some intelligent person came up with this expression, he wanted to emphasize on a certain way of protecting the building or on the safety of the structure itself, which would be able to withstand any attack. No, most likely, I think, he wanted to say that the main thing in the fortress is not its walls, but the guard, which protects this fortress, in our case, this guard is the inhabitants of the native house - our family.
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