The Little Monkey and the Crocodile Once upon a time on a tree there lived a little monkey. It was very funny. The monkey was brown. Its name was Cheeta. Cheeta liked bananas. But the monkey didn`t have friends. One day Cheeta saw a crocodile. It was green. The crocodile was hungry. The monkey was kind. The monkey gave the banana to the Crocodile. The Crocodile was happy. And they made friends.
Давным - давно жила-была на дереве маленькая обезьянка. Она была очень забавная. Обезьянка была коричневая. Её звали Чита. Чита любила бананы. Но у обезьянки не было друзей. Однажды обезьянка увидела крокодила. Он был зелёный. Крокодил был голодный. А обезьянка была добрая. Чита дала крокодилу банан. Крокодил был счастлив. И они стали друзьями.
My name is Sasha. I'm from Rossii.U us a nice apartment on the seventh floor of a multistory building. The apartment has three bedrooms. My favorite room -bedroom. It's small. The walls are yellow in it. In the bedroom - a sofa, an armchair, two chairs and a desk with a computer. Table by the window. Sofa and chair against the wall, they are orange. A big poster on the wall. This is my favorite movie-known hero Spider-Man. His name is Peter Parker . I have a lot of books. They are in the bookcase in the hall.
[ˈlʌgɪʤ ] багаж (luggage)
[ˈbʊkɪŋˌɒfɪs] билетная касса
[geɪt] выход
[ˈnjuːzstænd] газетный киоск
[laɪt] свет
[biːʧ] пляж