When the summer holidays came, I was very happy! The weather was good, so my friends and I went for a walk every day. It was fun!
Then I spent a month in the village where my grandmother was. I ate a lot of delicious food that my grandmother cooked for me. I have a lot of friends in this village because I go there every vacation. We even played volleyball ! Near the forest flows a small river. We went swimming and sunbathing in good weather. I HAD A LOT OF FUN ON SUMMER VACATION !
Когда наступили летние каникулы, я была очень счастлива! Погода была хорошая, поэтому мы с друзьями ходили гулять каждый день. Было весело!
Потом я провел месяц в деревне, где была моя бабушка. Я съела много вкусной еды, которую приготовила для меня бабушка. У меня много друзей в этой деревне, потому что я езжу туда каждые каникулы. Мы даже играли в волейбол ! Рядом с лесом протекает небольшая речка. Мы ходили купаться и загорать в хорошую погоду. МНЕ БЫЛО ОЧЕНЬ ВЕСЕЛО НА ЛЕТНИХ КАНИКУЛАХ !
1. backpack (рюкзак)– a large bag you use to carry things on your back, especially walkers and climbers use it (a rucksack)
2. carry (нести)– to have something with you all the time
3. climb (взбираться)- to use your hands and legs to go to the top of smth.
4. colourful (разноцветный)- having the bright colors or a lot of colours
5. cruise (круиз) - a journey on a large ship for plesure during wich you visit several places.
6. do the washing (стирать)- to wash clothes
7. drop (падать/ронять/бросать)- to fall or to let smth fall
8. due (ожидаемый) - expected to happen, arrive etc. at a particular time
9. fall (падать)- to suddenly go down onto the ground by accident
10. field (поле)- an area or land, used for growin crops or keeping animals
11. folk song (народная песня)- a song that originates among the people of a country or area, passed by oral tradition from one singer or generation to another one
12. freedom (свобода)- the condition or right of being able to do, say, think etc. whatever you want to without being controlled or limited
13. frightened (испуганный)- having fear or worry
14. future (будущее)- a period of time that comes after present time
15. harmony (гармония)- a pleasant musical sound made by different notes
16. hat (шляпа/шапка)- a covering for the head
17. hire (нанимать/арендовать)- to pay to use smth for a short period; to employ someone or pay them to do a particular job
18. hospitality (гостеприимство)- when people are friendly and welcoming to guests and visitors
19. human (человеческий)- having the nature of a human being
20. jacket (куртка/пиджак)- a short coat
21. kiss (целовать)- to touch with the lips, usually to express love or greeting
22. passer-by (прохожий)- someone who is going past a particular place