We can’t imagine our world in what we all we’ll be using one language.Most of people have only one or two native languages, it’s obviously depend on your family and country we do live.Many people have a goal in life to learn as many Languages as they can.Nowdays, English is the most commonly used language.All of the well- known movies are translated from English.We have lots of ways of learning that language. The most effective is having a tutor,second one is to read books in English, also watching films with English subtitles.You need to be fully surrounded by that language that you want to learn.
Present Simple: Это настоящее простое: 1. Настаящая форма( положительная) I work. (Я работаю) I read. (Я читаю) Но при местоимениях: She, He, It в конце добавляется "s" She works ( Она работала ) He works (Он работает) 2. Отрицательная форма: I don't work. (Я не работаю) I don't read. (Я не читаю) Но при: She, He , It употребляется doesn't She doesn't work. (Она не работает) 3. Вопросительная : Do you work? ( ты работаешь?) Do you read? (ты читаешь?) She, He, It: Does she work? ( она работает?) Does he read? ( он работает?) Present Continuous: Настоящее длительное : I'm not working She/He/It is not working We/You/They are not working Вопросительное простое: I worked ( я работал) He worked She worked We worked Отрицательное: I did not work ( я не работал) He did not work We didn't work They didn't work Вопросительное: Did he work? (ты работал?) did she work? did you work?
Pupils have to get permission to go home at lunch-time
Teacher has to be tidy или Pupils have to be tidy
Parents have to tell the form teacher if their child can't come to school
A form teacher has to care about pupils' safety
A form teacher check homework diaries everu week
Teacher (A form teacher ) has to teach pupils safety rules