1. Does Tom usually plays tennis after work?
What does Tom usually play after work?
Whpen does Tom usually play tennis?
2. Do you go to the movies once a month?
Where do you go once a month?
When do you go to the movies?
3. Do My parents live in Boston?
Where do my parents live?
4. Does Mary want to stay at home today?
Where does Mary want to stay at home?
5. When does The concert start ?
6. Does Ann work for a German bank?
Where does Ann work for?
7. Where does the sun set ?
8. Do They sometimes go to work by bus?
Where do they sometimes go by bus?
How do they some go to work?
9. Does Lorna always arrive late for work?
10. Does Jane’s mother visit her every Sunday?
How often does Jane's mother visit her?
Who visits her every Sunday?
11. When does The festival begin?
12. Does Water boil at 100 degrees Celsius?
How much does water boil?
13. Does Alex always turn off his computer in the evening?
What does Alex always turn off in the evening?
When does Alex always turn off his computer?
15. When does The plane leave?
16. Will you start work tomorrow?
When does you start work?
17. Does The moon go around the earth?
Жюль Верн жил в Нанте - на западном побережье Франции. Он любил море, и когда ему было всего 12, он попытался сбежать на корабле в Вест-Индию. К несчастью для него, моряки поймали его и отправили домой. У Жюля было отличное воображение, он написал несколько приключенческих историй и создал загадочных персонажей, таких как капитан Немо. В «Двадцати тысячах лье под водой» капитан Немо путешествует по морю на своей подводной лодке «Наутилус». В своих путешествиях он встречает странных морских существ и находит подводный город.
London is the capital of England and the UK. London is divided into three big parts: the CITy, the WEST End and the EAST End. the City of london is a big Financial and business centre . london has numerous sites which attract crowds of tourists. Piccadilly Circus is the heart of London.St. Paul's cathedral is Sir Christopher Wren's creatoin. The building of the cathedral began in 1675 and finished in 1710. The houses of parliament are not anciant , rebuilt in 1870 after a fire. When Parliament sits , a flag flies from Victoria tower by day and at night a light shines in the clock. Trafalgar Square is famous for a tall monument in the centr of it, called Nelson's Column, and built to commerate the Battle of Trafalgae and honour Admiral Nelson.