Days in the MonthThirty days has September, April, June and November; February has twenty-eight alone. All the rest have thirty-one, But leap year coming once in four Gives February one day more.
About WeatherIf bees stay at home, Rain will soon come; If they fly away, Fine will be the day. * * *Evening red and morning grey, Send the traveller on his way; Evening grey and morning red, Bring the rain upon his head. * * *When the dew is on the grass, Rain will never come to pass. A sunshiny shower Won't last half an hour.
the teenager is a young and evolving organismal not so easy to live! Every day it suffers from hormonal surges,breakdowns and much more... Teenagers often get angry, worried. And try to attract a lot of attention. Fights and screams will be for parents commonplace. it's hard to survive... For adolescents, bad decisions will become good , and good decisions bad and here's more about the appearance! You get pimples acne and points. And of course the teenager will freak out and be sad But fortunately teenagers are the same children who can walk and frolic in the street! Run with friends and spend time in school