Human Value: Right Action
Practical value: good behaviour
Form 5 (age – 10-11 years)
1. to review the material from Unit 1 "All about me” and Unit 3 "At Work” (Textbook Happy Earth 2, OUP);
2. to sum up children’s knowledge on topic "Mark Twain and his book The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” (additional material);
3. to train their speaking, reading and listening skills;
4. to stimulate children’s inner urge to act right.
I. Greeting.
T: Hello, boys and girls!
Ps: Hello, teacher!
T: Now, please, say "Hello” to our guests.
Ps: "Hello, hello, hello to you. Hello, hello, we’re glad to see you”.
II. Silent sitting.
T: Sit straight, please. Close your eyes, please, and listen to your heart. Imagine the Sun in your
head and in your heart (students sit silently for 2-3 minutes).
T: Now say, please:
Ps: "The Sun is shining in my heart”. (3 times)
T: Now open your eyes, please, and say our thought for the week.
Ps: "Start the day with Love, fill the day with Love, end the day with love. This is the way to
(Slide # 2)
III. Guess the topic.
T: Now, children, guess the topic of our lesson. What are we going to speak about today?
Ps unjumble the letters and say the words: MARK TWAIN. TOM SAWYER.
T: What will we speak about today?
2. there are
3. there is
4. there is
5. there are
6. Is there? there is
7. there are
8. there are
9. there are