In last weekend I went in Finland with my friends. We was going toward Helsinki from Petersburg by friends car. Our purpose was to see locals landscape and to draw it, becouse we try to enter the institute of Art in next year. The day began with sun and our way became - the high point of pleasure on our trip. When we arrived in Cotka (it's general port and located on the half of way "Helsinky-Petersburg") we came in bar and ordered fish-soup. Its our good custom - to try fishing dishes when we being in sea's countryes. We was walking along the coast, to observe seagulls and fed them a little. Later the rain began, the sky crowded of clouds and we were compelled to capitulate to weather and to hand over our plan to go further. We came back home. But all the same we were satisfied because sunbathed and cheerfully spent time with each other.
To date, in Russian poetry, "female" poetry occupies a very significant place, the point of reference of its powerful development is the Silver Age, which brought to the world the works of Marina Tsvetaeva, Anna Akhmatovra and Elena Guro. "Female" poetry is that part of it created by female poets that reflects the picture of the world and the position of a person in it, proceeding from the inherent in women - not worse or better than inherent in men, but somewhat different - the way people perceive and comprehend the surrounding person Reality.