I was so happy to receive a letter from you. I am glad that you are doing fine.
As I promised you, I am going to tell you about our schools. Some students here complain that school is boring and we are made to learn a lot of different information that we will never need later. But I completely disagree. I believe it's extremely interesting to learn things about the surronding world. Then ,new knowledge helps us to broaden our outlook. And it is not boring at school at all. We always have different competitions in our school and it feels so good to win. Then we can join different clubs according to our interests and brush up on our skills. Personally, I am going to join an English club because I like English a lot. But my favourite subject is definitely Biology.
What are your favourite subjects, Mandy? Do students in your school like to study? Which clubs are the most popular to join among them?
Привет, Наташа. Вчера я оставила у тебя свои часы на кожаном ремешке. Я думаю, что они в кухне на окне. Я твоей сестре мыть посуду и сняла часы потому что не хотела их намочить принеси мне их завтра в школу. Папа уже ругал меня за то, что я потеряла часы. Они очень дорогие. Ты сделала домашнее задание по химии? Я не могу решить задачу. Увидимся завтра в школе. Мария.
Hi, Natasha. Yesterday I left my watch on a leather strap at your place. I think it is on the window in the kitchen. I helped your sister wash the dishes and put my watch on the window because I didn't want to water it. Please, bring it at school tomorrow. Daddy has already shouted at me because he thought I had lost my watch. It is very expensive. Have you done Chemistry homework for tomorrow? I can't solve the problem. See you tomorrow at school. Best wishes. Maria
There is a picture over the table.