Назвать времена
b) Present Continuous
c) Future Simple
d) Past Simple
e) Present Perfect
f) Present Simple
g) Past Continuous
Написать отрицательные предложения
b) I'm not reading a good book at the moment.
c) I won't probably go to the cinema tonight.
d) I didn't go out last weekend.
e) I haven't been to China.
f) I can't play the guitar.
g) I wasn't watching TV at 6 p.m. yesterday.
Задание 5 (b)a) I like doing English homework ✔️
b) I'm not reading a good book at the moment ✔️
c) I won't probably go to the cinema tonight ✔️
d) I went out last weekend ✔️
e) I haven't been to China ✔️
f) I can't play the guitar. ✔️
g) I wasn't watching TV at 6 p.m. yesterday ✔️
Задание 5 (c)a) - Do you like doing English homework? - Yes, I do/No, I don't
b) - Are you reading a good book at the moment? - Yes, I am/No, I'm not
c) - Will you probably go to the cinema tonight? - Yes, I will/No, I won't.
d) - Did you go out last weekend? - Yes, I did/No, I didn't.
e) - Have you been to China? - Yes, I have/No, I haven't.
f) - Can you play the guitar? - Yes, I can/No, I can't.
g) - Were you watching TV at 6 p.m. yesterday? - Yes, I was/No, I wasn't.
Задание 8a) Do most people go to work by car or by bus?
b) Do you like tea with milk or lemon?
c) Would you like a piece of meat or a cutlet for dinner?
d) Does Ainura prefer rainy or sunny weather?
e) Does your friend go for a walk alone or with grandmother?
f) Do you usually sleep on your left or right side?
1. I played computer games yesterday. I was playing computer games yesterday at 7 o’clock.
2. What was Nick doing when you came into his room? What did Nick do last Sunday
3. We washed the floor in our flat yesterday. We were washing the floor from 3 till 4 yesterday.
4. When I came home yesterday, my little sister was sleeping.
5. When I was going to school, I met my friend.
6. While my sister was reading a book, I was watching TV.
7. We met at the station two hours ago. Nick was waiting for his fried when I saw him.
8. When I opened the door, my friends were sitting at the table.
9. While I was doing my homework, my sister was helping mother about the house.
10. What did you read yesterday? Were you reading at 6 o’clock?
11. Lena was sweeping the floor from11 till 12 yesterday.
12. I went to the theatre yesterday. At this time yesterday I was sitting at the theatre.
13. He was writing a letter when I came in. He didn't write letters two days ago.
14. He was reading a book when I came in. He bought that book last week.
15. I went to the cinema yesterday. I was going to the cinema at 4 o’clock yesterday.
16. While mother was cooking dinner, I was helping father in the garden.
While уже указывает на длительное время.
Past Simple:
Past Continuous:
2. Who do you usually have breakfast with? - I usually have breakfast with my family.
3. When does your school begin? - It begins at 8 o'clock.
Does your school begin early? - Yes , it does. ( No, it doesn't)
4. How often do you come on time? - I always come on time.
5. Who do you have lunch with? - I have lunch with my friends.
6.When does your school finish? - It finishes at 12 o'clock.
7. Where do you go after school? - I go home.