Who Was Charles Dickens?
Charles Dickens was a British novelist, journalist, editor, illustrator and s
ocial commentator who wrote such beloved classic novels as Oliver Twist, A Christmas Carol, Nicholas Nickleby, David Copperfield, A Tale of Two Cities and Great Expectations
Early life and Education
Dickens was born Charles John Huffam
Dickens on February 7, 1812, in Portsmouth, on the southern coast of England.
Charles Dickens' Books
Throughout his career, Dickens published a total of 15 novels. His most well-known works include:
'Oliver Twist' (1837-1838)
Oliver Twist, Dickens first novel, follows the life of an orphan living in the streets. The book was inspired by how Dickens felt as an impoverished child forced to get by on his wits and earn his own keep.
This is my online review. He's dedicated to one topic. Namely, how to write an essay correctly. All right, let's get started. So, at the beginning, we need to write an introduction. For example, this story raises an interesting topic. After the introduction, you need to write a thesis, that is, briefly describe one of the main topics of the essay. After thesis, you need to write evidence, well, why do you think so, and so on? And most importantly, the last ones need to write a conclusion. Well, the inference you most likely proved in your text. And one more tip, it is desirable to relax a little on your desk, for example, before writing an essay. But if you're home, I highly advise you to sleep or take a walk. Personally, it helps me a lot. (139 слов) Надеюсь
время: 1) Неправильная форма глагола (2 форма): I built a house.
2)Глаголы оканчивающийся на окончание -ed- : I played a football.
3) Если есть слова was/were, то глагол который находится рядом будет в времени: I was born ( Я был рождён или я родился)
2. Настоящее время: 1)глаголы с окончанием -ing. : I playing ( Я играю), 2) если есть частицы am/is/are: He plays a football. (Он играет футбол; почему не play, a plays, потому что перед he/she/it ставится окончание -s-.), 3) И некоторые виды временных глаголов.
3. Будущее время: 1) неправильная форма глагола (3 форма): I read a book. 2) если есть частица will/shall, то глагол который находится будет в будущем времени: He will plays. ( он проиграет) 3) И некоторые виды временных глаголов.