1. Nick will be sent to Moscow next week.
Ник будет отправлен в Москву на следующей неделе.
2. I will be asked at the lesson tomorrow.
Меня спросят завтра на уроке.
3. Many houses will be built in Moscow town next year.
В следующем году в Москве будет построено много домов.
4. This work will be done tomorrow.
Эта работа будет выполнена завтра.
5. This bone will be given to my dog tomorrow.
Эту кость дадут моей собаке завтра.
6. His new book will be finished next year.
Его новая книга будет закончена в следующем году.
7. His fax will be sent tomorrow.
Его факс будет отправлен завтра.
8. Tents will be put up by the boys.
Палатки будут поставлены мальчиками.
9. The windows will be cleaned tomorrow.
Окна будут вымыты завтра.
Будущее простое время в пассивном залоге образуется с глагола to be в будущем времени (will be + V3) и главного смыслового глагола в третьей форме - (V+ed - правильные глаголы); третью форму неправильных глаголов смотрим в таблице неправильных глаголов.
I had an Autumn holiday! It was not very long, but I had a rest. I met with my friends. We walked together every day if the weather was fine. We walked in the park or in the street. If it was rainy and cold we went to a café and eat pizza with juice. One day I went to the cinema with my best friend. We watched a horror film “Silent Hill”. It was about a girl who looked for her father in Silent hill. It was a very creepy film. I liked it. In the evening I played computer games or listened to music or read a book. I read a book about anorexia; one girl didn’t eat anything and gets ill. At weekend I visited my grandparents with my parents. I helped my grandmother to cook dinner. We had a very tasty dinner. After dinner we saw old photos of my family. It is always interesting for me to find out something interesting about my relatives. I liked my holiday very much because I did everything I wanted.