1.1-the strongest
1.2-the best
2.1 braver
Он храбрее чем его брат
2.2 kind
Моя младшая сестра такая же смешная как мой отец
2.3 warmest
Весна-не самое теплое время года
2.4 long
Некоторые змеи не такие длинные как крокодилы
2.5 shier
Он более застенчив чем его друг
3.1.-the wickest
3.2-as clever as
4.1 stronger-the strongest
4.2more difficult-the most difficult
4.3-better-the best
4.4 braver-the bravest
5.1-the biggest
5.2-the smallest
5.3-the most active
5.4-as big as big as
but it is bigger than
2) Mrs Johnsons hasn't watered plants yet.
3) I haven't seen Peter at school today.
4) Paul hasn't painted the walls in the kitchen yet.
5) Polly hasn't washed cups and plates yet.
6) Jerry hasn't watched the news on television today
7) Mary and I haven't decided what film to see.
8) Most of us haven't played (have never played) baseball.
9) Jim hasn't worked (= has never worked) as a journalist.
10) I haven't ever stayed (= have never stayed) at the "Star".
11) Samantha hasn't ever cooked (= has never cooked) chocolate pudding.