1. If he sells some of his paintings, Van Gogh will gets some recognition during his lifetime.
2. If only John stopped instulting people.
3. If I were you, i would take part in this competition.
4. If I win the lottery, I will buy an expensive car. But that's almost(подмечу, не просто impossible, а almost impossible, не будь тут almost - предложение бы выглядело так: If I had wun the lottery, I would have bought an expensive car.) impossible.
5. I wish i spoke a foreign language. But i can.
6. If he fails the exam now, he will not get a place at university.
7. When it rains, the roads gets slippery and dangerous.
8. I wish I was rich.
9. I wish I got your message earlier.
10. If you had saved some money, you would have been able to go on holiday last year.
1.Kak chasto vy yedite za odnim stolom s roditelyami?
2. Kak chasto vy yedite fast-fud?
3. Kak vy dumayete, polufabrikaty - eto fast-fud?
4. Chto vy znayete o traditsionnoy britanskoy kukhne?
5. Naskol'ko britanskaya yeda otlichayetsya ot yedy v vashey strane?
6. Kak vy dumayete, britanskiye pishchevyye privychki zdorovy?
7. Schitayete li vy, chto privychki k yede v vashey strane zdorovy?
8. Chto vy znayete o vegetarianskoy pishchevoy yede?
9. Kakoye tvoye lyubimoye blyudo?
10. Chto vy obychno yedite na zavtrak, obed i uzhin?
My favourite animal is a cat . I have got a cat as a pet. His name is Barin. Barin is very cute and fluffy. He is grey. He is fat. He has got two big blue eyes, two small ears and a small nose. He usually wears a bow on his neck. The bow is pink . Barin is a very intelligent cat. He never makes a mess. He is obedient. He doesn't have his litter box. He can use our toilet. He likes to eat his special food for cats. Barin likes to play with me. He has got many toys. But his favourite toy is a balloon. He can spend hours playing with it . Here is a picture and a photo of my cat .