The chances of the country’s … have never looked so remote. 2.
She felt so, as if there had been some strange … . 3. … had better
be slow, in order that it may be sure. 4. … like these will make the
devices more usable. 5. As the revolution proceeds an inevitable
class … is to happen. 6. I like people, but when people become
"customers" certain nasty … often take place. 7. The whole history
of knowledge can be represented by one single line of progress and
… . 8. Pure energy, in all its …, is absolutely unknown to man. 9.
The idea was largely discredited by Darwin's theory of …, first
published in 1859. 10. In the opening years of the French … the
two men in Europe who seemed omnipotent were Pitt and
Там требовалось задать общий вопрос, поэтому я на всякий случай напишу и общий (сначала), и специальный (два вопроса):
1. Are boys at school? Where are boys? Who is at school?
2. Is this girl at college? Where is this girl? Who is at college?
3. Is manager at the office? Where is the manager? Who is at office?
4. Are these lawyers at work? Where are these lawyers? Who is at work?
5. Are children at the lesson? Where are the children? Who is at the lesson?
6. Are these journalists at the theatre? Where are these journalists? Who is at the theatre?
7. Are those doctors at the cinema? Where are those doctors? Who is at the cinema?
8. Is the boy in the street? Where is the boy? Who is in the treet?
9. Is the girl in the country? Where is the girl? Who is in the country?
10. Is man in the room? Where is the man? Who is in the room?
11. Is the baby in the bed? Where is the baby? Who is in the bed?
12. Are the brothers in the park? Where are the brothers? Who is in the park?