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21.07.2021 09:30 •  Английский язык

:'( напишите текст по языку. healthy way of life( здоровый путь жизни

What would be healthy you need to be engaged in sports,eat healthy food and think to do to do good deeds.это переводится так что бы быть здоровым нужно заниматся спортом,есть здоровую пищу и думаю делать делать хорошие дела
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Chocolate!It is perhaps necessary to put in the first place, to help get rid of depression. Chocolate is indeed the most famous anti-depressant, but only dark chocolate. Lovers of white and milk chocolate does not replenish your body's natural antidepressant, they have no theobromine, tonic substance contained in cocoa products. It is found only in dark chocolate and chocolate the higher the percentage, the more of this substance.
Make it a rule every day to eat a small piece of dark chocolate, a figure he did not hurt, but relieve irritation and fatigue, give peace and quiet, and begin to develop in the body Endorf - the hormone of happiness. Dark chocolate improves the digestive tract, increase efficiency, relieve stress and lift your spirits. A magnesium which is contained in a black chocolate made nervous system more stable.
Almonds!This nut like chocolate is rich in magnesium, so help the body cope with stress and emotion. Almonds relieve aggression and will not give hornier nervous system. Girls and women who look after their figure, eat, almonds recommended no more than 50 grams per day, as this nut enough calories.
Broccoli!This natural anti-depressant is rich in vitamins A, C, E, B1, B2 and PP, in large quantities in broccoli contains potassium, sodium, calcium, iron, magnesium, copper, chromium, manganese, iodine and boron. Especially broccoli useful for women who dream of becoming mothers, because it is rich in folic acid. Folic acid, in turn, helps fight anxiety and panic attacks. Once in the body, broccoli cleans it of toxins and carcinogens, restores hormonal balance, helps fight stress, calms the nervous system and promotes balance.
Cheese!Dairy products, which can be called a product to get rid of depression. Cheese is not only nourishes our body with calcium, making our teeth and bones strong, and suppresses the production of stress hormones. Antidepressant effects have cheese is durum, so it is best to give their preference.
Seafood!Once upon a time, in the dining halls of the former USSR, Thursday was fish day, is not in vain. Due to the high content of vitamins A, D, PP, B1 and B2, phosphorus, zinc and protein seafood have anti-stress effect and increase the serotonin levels in the body. However, these properties have not all seafood, but only those which contain omega-3 fatty acids. By such fish include salmon and trout. No less useful and seaweed was produced in our body adrenaline.
Meat!If you do not treat vegetarians, do not hesitate to lift yourself up using dishes made from meat. Lean beef and veal - the best way to get rid of depression. The meat of these varieties contain vitamins B and E, potassium, magnesium, zinc and iron. Meat will improve mood, help get rid of weakness, strengthen your muscles and make a person more resilient.
Turkey meat is involved in the development of anti-stress hormones, improves mood and prevents the development of depression. Lamb is also rich in vitamins, potassium and magnesium. Rabbit meat contains a list of useful minerals, vitamins and does not contain sodium and virtually fat, so the rabbit can eat to improve mood is not afraid to gain extra pounds.
Bananas!To always be on our toes and stay constantly cheerful, start your morning with a banana. Sucrose, glucose and fructose, a part of the banana, in conjunction fiber contained therein give rise long forces and soothe the nervous system. Potassium, which is quite a lot of bananas, rid the body of accumulated fatigue will cause a state of happiness and delight. Bananas are an excellent source of energy and good mood.
Oatmeal!Yes, porridge helps fight the blues and bad mood. Oatmeal, eaten for breakfast is simply irreplaceable for the body, it removes toxins, relieves insomnia and relieves stress the body. This product not only saturate the body, but also helps fight depression.
Berries!Do you love blueberries and strawberries? So, you are not afraid of depression. These two berries are an excellent means for the period of nervous tension. Blueberries and strawberries cope with insomnia, irritability, fatigue, support the nervous system in order.
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ответ:Has university life changed beyond recognition for a new generation of undergraduates or is it the same as it ever was? Five parents compare their own experiences with their children’s

Long gone but not forgotten are those carefree student days of shared showers, derelict rental properties and parties where the booze always ran out before midnight. Being a student was quite a privilege in the good old days when local authorities and the government footed the bill and there was almost certainly a job at the end of it.

In the early 1960s, only 4% of school leavers went to university, rising to around 14% by the end of the 1970s. Nowadays, more than 40% of young people start undergraduate degrees – but it comes at a cost. Today’s students leave with debts of £40,000 and upwards to pay back over their working lives.


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Birthday is a very wonderful day. Everybody likes to celebrate it. It is a good opportunity to relax and spend time with friends, parents, relatives.My name is Olga.  I’m twelve years old. I have one main and particular day in the year. It’s my birthday. There are a lot of holidays throughout the year but of course the most memorable is the birthday.     How do I spend the party? I was born in winter, in December, so the weather is usually cold at this time and we arrange a birthday party at home. I invite my family members and my best friends. Mum and granny cook a lot of tasty and delicious things for our festive dinner. We clean the flat and decorate it with balloons. When guests come we have a hearty dinner.  My mum brings the birthday cake in. Then I puff the candles out. Guests sing songs and dance, play games and joke, laugh or tell funny stories. Then we play different games.  As for birthday presents, of course, I like to receive something interesting. I know that today many people prefer rational gifts, for example money or something valuable. For some of them it is even a common practice to say in advance what they would like to receive. I agree that on the one hand such reasonable approach is rather convenient. At least, you are sure that you won’t receive any unwanted junk, and your friends won’t have to break their heads over this issue. But on the other hand, to my mind, it’s too boring. I like surprises, so I prefer something inexpensive, but unusual and memorable.  During our merry party we do not only sing songs, dance, and make jokes but we also speak about our life, hobbies, and future. As for me, as I have already mentioned, my birthday is one of the most wonderful days in the year. I am always happy to have a nice day with my friends.
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