Нужно поставить нужные цифры с овощи в предложения
1) тыква
2) морковь
3) горох
4) яблоко
5) банан
6) картофель
7) апельсин
8) кукуруза
9) огурец
10) лимон
11) вишня
12) виноград
13) гранат
21. Наш новый президент, как американские ... как пирог.
22. Вы не можете сравнивать эти две ситуации. Вы сравниваете яблоки с ...!
23. Толпа ... когда их любимая певица пошла на сцену.
24.Босс хочет, чтобы я работал в нашем нью-йоркском офисе, так что он болтался ... передо мной. Он предлагает мне мою зарплату в два раза, если я принимаю.
25. Когда вор был до полицией, он был так круто, как
26. Кэрол была очень сердится, что Нэнси выиграл приз. Это просто кислый ..., но Кэрол должен расти!
27. Если вы не прекратите тратить часы на солнце, вы собираетесь превратить в
28. Привет, ...! Как поживаешь?
29. Джо такое диване Все, что он делает, это смотреть телевизор весь день.
30. Я купил новую машину вчера, и он уже сломался! Что за ...!
31. Карл и Венди все же интерес. Они как два ... в стручке.
32. У меня была такая плохая неделя. Ну, я думаю, жизнь не всегда миску
33. Джон вашего брата? Для ... ради! Я не знаю, что!
Sir Alexander Fleming was born at Lochfield near Darvel in Ayrshire, Scotland on August 6th, 1881. He attended Louden Moor School, Darvel School, and Kilmarnock Academy before moving to London where he attended the Polytechnic. He spent four years in a shipping office before entering St. Mary's Medical School, London University. He qualified with distinction in 1906 and began research at St. Mary's under Sir Almroth Wright, a pioneer in vaccine therapy. He gained M.B., B.S., (London), with Gold Medal in 1908, and became a lecturer at St. Mary's until 1914. He served throughout World War I as a captain in the Army Medical Corps, being mentioned in dispatches, and in 1918 he returned to St.Mary's. He was elected Professor of the School in 1928 and Emeritus Professor of Bacteriology, University of London in 1948. He was elected Fellow of the Royal Society in 1943 and knighted in 1944.
Early in his medical life, Fleming became interested in the natural bacterial action of the blood and in antiseptics. He was able to continue his studies throughout his military career and on demobilization he settled to work on antibacterial substances which would not be toxic to animal tissues. In 1921, he discovered in «tissues and secretions» an important bacteriolytic substance which he named Lysozyme. About this time, he devised sensitivity titration methods and assays in human blood and other body fluids, which he subsequently used for the titration of penicillin. In 1928, while working on influenza virus, he observed that mould had developed accidently on a staphylococcus culture plate and that the mould had created a bacteria-free circle around itself. He was inspired to further experiment and he found that a mould culture prevented growth of staphylococci, even when diluted 800 times. He named the active substance penicillin.
Sir Alexander wrote numerous papers on bacteriology, immunology and chemotherapy, including original descriptions of lysozyme and penicillin. They have been published in medical and scientific journals.
Fleming, a Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons (England), 1909, and a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians (London), 1944, has gained many awards. They include Hunterian Professor (1919), Arris and Gale Lecturer (1929) and Honorary Gold Medal (1946) of the Royal College of Surgeons; Williams Julius Mickle Fellowship, University of London (1942); Charles Mickle Fellowship, University of Toronto (1944); John Scott Medal, City Guild of Philadelphia (1944); Cameron Prize, University of Edinburgh (1945); Moxon Medal, Royal College of Physicians (1945); Cutter Lecturer, Harvard University (1945); Albert Gold Medal, Royal Society of Arts (1946); Gold Medal, Royal Society of Medicine (1947); Medal for Merit, U.S.A. (1947); and the Grand Cross of Alphonse X the Wise, Spain (1948).
He served as President of the Society for General Microbiology, he was a Member of the Pontifical Academy of Science and Honorary Member of almost all the medical and scientific societies of the world. He was Rector of Edinburgh University during 1951-1954, Freeman of many boroughs and cities and Honorary Chief Doy-gei-tau of the Kiowa tribe. He was also awarded doctorate, honoris causa, degrees of almost thirty European and American Universities.
In 1915, Fleming married Sarah Marion McElroy of Killala, Ireland, who died in 1949. Their son is a general medical practitioner.
Fleming married again in 1953, his bride was Dr. Amalia Koutsouri-Voureka, a Greek colleague at St. Mary's.
In his younger days he was a keen member of the Territorial Army and he served from 1900 to 1914 as a private in the London Scottish Regiment.
Dr Fleming died on March 11th in 1955 and is buried in St. Paul's Cathedral.
The age between 14 & 17 is considered to be one of the best periods in people's life. Grown-ups remember it with excitement & tenderness. But most teens wouldn't agree with this opinion if they were asked. They're sure and that's quite true that they are overwhelmed with different problems. These problems're quite serious and they can't be considered trifles. Teenagers have psycological problems which can be explained by their psycological instability.This is the reason of their strange & sometimes agressive behavior. Their agression can be aimed at their friends, teachers, parents and people around them. If these problems aren't solved & regulated by experienced specialists, psycologists, teachers it can lead to far more serious problems. Drinking and taking drugs have become the most actual problems of the modern society. As for drinking, teenagers don't realize the harm it does to their health, they just don't want it to the privilegeof grown-ups but unlikegrown-ups they are notable to to drink responsibly. Government surveys on all aspects of drinking have found that about 40 percent of teenagers're attracted by bright & impressive advertisments of alcohol. They really believe that certain drinks will make them look like they're accepted. So, we can say that the low level of self-appraisal is the main reason of drinking and drug problem. Teenagers're greatly influenced by social problems such as unemployment, disfunctional families & the stress of getting into new college. They don't know how to cope with the problems which do not depend on them. They're badly prepared for their solution mentally, spiritually & even physically. If theyfail, they can be driven to despair & won't find the way out if not helped by their families, school and some other representatives of society. In fact, teenagers have got a lot of work. They're busywith their studies, household chores, some of them have a paid job. But there's no time for fun and they want to be entertained at least sometimes. This excessive work leads to an inner conflict which's usually expressed in the form of an open, direct protest against the world of grown-ups. The next step's the conflict with parents which's very difficult to solve. On the other hand, most teens don't know how to organize their free time for raising their cultural level, enriching their knowledge & improving their physical forms. Ща перевод скину еще.