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Нужна с переводом на язык зарание : з 1)праздник 15 чудес будды посвящён воспоминанию 15 чудес, которые будда совершил в городе шравасти. первые "великие молитвы", или "великие молитвы" были проведены в начале xv века, когда знаменитый тибетский реформатор буддизма и основатель школы гелугпа разработал правила проведения буддийских праздников в монастырях, включив в их перечень и 15 чудес будды. празднование 15 чудес будды начинается в первый день нового года и длится 15 дней. каждый праздничный день посвящен сотворенному в этот день буддой чуду. во время торжественных молитв, посвященных 15 чудес будды, совершается обряд ежегодного обновления веры, а после их окончания устраиваются экзамены для монахов. 2)холи - ежегодный индуистский фестиваль весны. из-за своей красочности также известен как "фестиваль красок". в известен как дольятра. в индусском календаре холи, как правило, выпадает на полнолуние в конце февраля - начале марта. вечером первого дня фестиваля холи разводится костёр, символизирующий сожжение холики. на второй день, участники праздника совершают ритуальное шествие до наступления сумерек, осыпая друг друга порошком или поливая водой. вечером индусы приглашают друг друга в гости на торжества. в пятый день после полнолуния праздник холи завершается. 3)праздник тела и крови христовых - католический праздник, посвященный почитанию тела и крови христа. праздник отмечается в четверг, следующий за днём святой троицы и является торжественным празднованием священной евхаристии. католики рассматривают евхаристию как священный дар, оставленный иисусом христом церкви. праздник тела и крови христовых появился в xiii веке. его происхождение обычно связывают с блаженной юлианной из льежа. в 1264 г. папа урбан iv сделал его обязательным для всей церкви. по традиции в день праздника тела и крови христовых вокруг храма или по улицам города проходит торжественная процессия со святыми дарами. её возглавляют священники, несущие дароносицу, за ними следуют прихожане.

Take this
1) Holiday 15 Wonders of the Buddha is dedicated to the memory 15 miracles that Buddha made in Shravasti. The first "Great Prayer" or "Great Prayer" were held at the beginning of the XV century, when the famous Tibetan Buddhist reformer and founder of the Gelugpa school has developed rules of Buddhist holidays in monasteries, including a list of them and 15 Wonders of the Buddha. Celebrating 15 Wonders of the Buddha begins on the first day of the New Year and lasts 15 days. Every holiday is dedicated to the created on this day the Buddha miracle.During the solemn prayers dedicated to the 15th miracles Buddha performed the rite of the annual renewal of faith, and after their graduation exams are held for the monks.2) Holi - the annual Hindu festival of spring. Because of its brilliance is also known as the "festival of colors". In Bangladesh, known as Dolyatra. In the Hindu calendar, Holi, usually falls on the full moon in late February - early March.In the evening of the first day of the festival of Holi make a fire to symbolize burning Kholiki. On the second day, participants of the event commit ritual procession before dusk, showering each other with powder or spraying with water. In the evening, the Indians invite each other to visit on occasion. On the fifth day after the full moon festival of Holi is completed.3) Corpus Christi - Catholic festival dedicated to the worship of the Body and Blood of Christ. The holiday is celebrated on Thursday following the day of the Holy Trinity is the solemn celebration of the Holy Eucharist. Catholics regard as a sacred gift of the Eucharist, Jesus Christ left the church.Corpus Christi appeared in the XIII century. Its origin is usually associated with the blessed Juliana of Liege. In 1264, Pope Urban IV made it mandatory for the whole Church. By tradition, the day of Corpus Christi around the church or in the streets of the city is the solemn procession with the Blessed Sacrament. It was headed by the priests carrying the monstrance, followed by the parishioners.
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ответ:Our world is so interesting and people here are so much different. But everyone has problems. Our problems can be connected with our job, education, friends, money and so on. I guess the older we become the worst problems we can have. Children and teenagers don’t understand what are the real problems and their problems look like the end of the world for them.

Talking about me I can say that my problems are not so much important like homeless people and left children have. Like all other teenagers I can argue with my parents and friends, I would like to buy new cool clothes and many other things. Sometimes I have problems with my friends. We have different points of view with them. When I need help or support they are busy with their things. Friends have to help each other.

Maybe for somebody all these problems look silly. But I want just to have a person who can listen to me any time and tell me that everything will be alright. But still every night I pray and thank God that I have parents, home and food.


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The writing on the topic: NEW year in different countries
 New Year comes to people in different countries at different times. It is not everywhere smells of Christmas tree and snow. People in the customs of their ancestors celebrated the New Year. How many people, so many Christmas customs. In India, several times comes the New Year. In the north - in April in the south - in March, in Kerala - in June, in the West Indies - in October-November. Western Indian New Year begins with the celebration of fire. Five days before the grand folk festival played views over the Indian epic "Ramayana". Make a huge, three floors, the paper giant. A man dressed as a hero of the epic fights of him and shoots him with an arrow from a bow burning. Under the triumphant shouts of the spectators giant flashes and burns. Back home, people decorate windows and doors lights. Before the threshold of every house on the street, you can see the colorful drawings - symbols of hospitality. To celebrate the New Year, get up at 4-5 o'clock in the morning, light illumination, dress up. According to custom, one must go to elders to ask for blessing, peace of mind and health. On the first day of the New Year speculate remember the past and expressed good wishes for the future. In Finland, the holiday begins with the arrival of the Christmas tree at the old man in a red coat, with a beard and a bag of gifts - the Finnish Santa Claus. Finnish children know that Santa Claus is a book in which he writes of their misdeeds. And since he does not have time to go anywhere, all childish pranks "take on the pencil," his ubiquitous children. They also dressed in red sheepskin constitute retinue of Santa Claus on the Christmas tree. Young people who are no longer afraid of the book Santa Claus prefers to celebrate the New Year in restaurants or cafes. Often young people remember the old traditions, fortune telling, it is a pleasure to compete in wit, predicting the fate of each other on the patterns of the molten tin. And in Italy on December 25 people are going to have families of banquet tables near the Christmas trees. The guests are waiting Babbo Natale - Italian Santa Claus. Like the Russian Santa Claus, it comes with a bag of gifts. On the night of January 1, nobody goes and does not go on the streets. And not just because of all the hurry for the New Year. In the New Year at midnight on the Italian streets unsafe as soon as the clock strikes twelve strokes, with all windows and balconies flying old, broken chairs and even beds. People want to believe that if you throw at midnight old thing, will acquire in the coming year a similar new one. Following the old things fly firecrackers, confetti. Children going to bed, leave their stockings by the fireplace. At night, in the fairy chimney arrives Befane. It is similar to the Russian Baba Yaga, but sometimes it does good. And when the children wake up, they find in their stockings hanging by the fireplace, presents Befane. Those who have not been obedient in the past year, the fairy puts in a stocking wood coal instead of candy. In stocking feet embers more, others - less, but presents no embers almost never happens as fairy Befane also a good teacher. In Colombia, the day before the celebration on every street are doing a great doll - Old year, read the Old Testament of the year in which it is said, who cares get an inheritance. This testament is very funny, and all the fun. On the eve of the New Year all deceiving each other, joking, like us on 1 April. At midnight, there was an explosion. Doll - Old Year - it shatters into pieces. All congratulate each other, kissing, dancing and singing. In Ghana, the New Year is not a Christmas tree. It is replaced by small houses made of palm leaves, which are made everywhere in the streets and decorated with lights. In this New Year houses comes the young, fun and singing. The houses covered banquet tables, for which the whole family. Favorite Christmas dish - roasted rooster. At midnight, those who fell out last year, should be reconciled with each other and forgive old grievances. At midnight, as usual, it raised a loud cry: it is believed that it is necessary "vykrichat" all that was last year. If the family had the misfortune - they scream and cry if joy - scream about it. At 4-5 in the morning go to visit relatives and friends. Along with congratulations everyone should talk about grief and joy, who visited him last year. On the streets loudly sing and dance. And in Kenya on New Year decorating the tree, but the tree and pine. Those who live near the river, celebrate the New Year on the water, swimming and boating. To welcome guests delicious meals, favorite - meal of stewed bananas and jam. At the festival a lot of music and songs.
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