Написать сое мнение на : современный мир основан на технологических устройств слишком многою по плану 3 параграфа в 1 параграфе 2-3 предложения за, во 2 тоже 2-3 предложения против, в 3 !
The modern world relies on technological devices too much
It is obvious that our life has changed greatly even in the last 50 years. Nowadays we cannot do without such things as computers, TVs, mobile phones, microwave ovens, refrigerators, etc. But the more we use these technological devices, the more often we hear concerns about our dependence on them. In my opinion, we should not rely on technology too much.
To start with, technology can be unreliable as machines and computers can break down and cause more problems than they solve. For example, every year we hear about car, train and airlplane accidents and incidents caused by mechanical failure. People try to solve this problem inventing more devices and solutions but there is no guarantee that new defence mechanisms will not fail some day.
Secondly, increased use of technological gadgets has brought security problems. There have been a lot of cases of people having mobile phones stolen in the street and sometimes shopping websites are not secure.
On the other hand, all these technological devices make our life a lot easier. Computers, mobiles, scanners, printers and other programmable machines are convenient and save us time and make our work much more efficient.
To sum up, we cannot deny that technological devices play an important part in our life, but at the same time they have a few disadvantages, so we must be careful using them.
Полный текст с am, есть, или нетДжейн буду очень занят на следующей неделе. В понедельник Джейн собирается посетить ее дантиста. Во вторник Джейн и ее сестра ... собираюсь навестить свою больную бабушку.Когда ... она собирается arrandge ее партии birthsday? - В Субботу. Ее одноклассники ... собирается подарить ей маленького щенка. Джейн любит домашних животных. Где она собирается проводить ее pupply? - В парке. Родители Джейн ... намерены подарить ей поездку в Лондон, ... они? ... вы собираетесь приехать на ее день рождения? - Да, Я ...
На сама дальше вставишь Заполните текст утра, будет, есть или, не.Джейн будет очень занят в следующем week.On понедельник Джейн собирается посетить ее dentist.on вторник Джейн и ее сестры ... собираются посетить их больной бабушке.Когда ... она собирается устроить ее день рождения? - На Saturday.Her одноклассников ... собирается ти giveher немного puppy.Jane любит pets.Where ... она собирается идти ее щенка? - В родителям park.Jane в ... собираюсь дать ей поездку в Лондон, ... они? ... Вы собираетесь приехать к ней на день рождения? - Да я ...
The modern world relies on technological devices too much
It is obvious that our life has changed greatly even in the last 50 years. Nowadays we cannot do without such things as computers, TVs, mobile phones, microwave ovens, refrigerators, etc. But the more we use these technological devices, the more often we hear concerns about our dependence on them. In my opinion, we should not rely on technology too much.
To start with, technology can be unreliable as machines and computers can break down and cause more problems than they solve. For example, every year we hear about car, train and airlplane accidents and incidents caused by mechanical failure. People try to solve this problem inventing more devices and solutions but there is no guarantee that new defence mechanisms will not fail some day.
Secondly, increased use of technological gadgets has brought security problems. There have been a lot of cases of people having mobile phones stolen in the street and sometimes shopping websites are not secure.
On the other hand, all these technological devices make our life a lot easier. Computers, mobiles, scanners, printers and other programmable machines are convenient and save us time and make our work much more efficient.
To sum up, we cannot deny that technological devices play an important part in our life, but at the same time they have a few disadvantages, so we must be careful using them.