1.The author isn’t mentioned. Network. English for Communications students T. V. Kozhevnikova 2012. pp. 201-205
2. Switching technology
3. The aim of the article is to show the reader structure and stages of improvement in commutation technologies.
4. The research method used in the article is description.
5. At the dawn of telecommunication technologies, telecom operators manually switch the channels between subscribers, which significantly reduces the speed of the connection. Soon, this network received semi-automatic switching elements that were not as dependent on the human as the previous ones, which allowed decreasing delays in the connection between people. Switching networks have gone through many stages of development: from manual switching to electromechanical, semi-electronical and nowadays we used full electronic, digital method of switching that provides high connection and data transfer speeds.
6. The article describes time beginning with 1878 to 1976 (or till our time)
7. The author’s conclusion is that communication systems, as well as methods of switching in these systems will be steadily improved further. Soon, we can observe that the packet data network will change on newly developed transmission standard’s, that will provide higher speed’s, security and quality of communication.
исследования растений и животных и научилась рисовать их с ее взгляда в микроскоп.
Она особенно заинтересовалась грибами, и написал статью на эту тему. Но, поскольку она была любителем и, вероятно, женщину и ее усилия не были приняты всерьез, и ее теории
были отклонены.
как то так..