уравнение касательной имеет вид:
дана функция:
найдём значение функции в точке x₀:
найдём производную функции:
найдём производную функции в точке x₀:
подставим найденные значения, чтобы найти уравнение касательной:
ответ: y=-2x+3 - искомое уравнение.
1. assel told us that she is writting book about the travels app.
2.ilyas and maxim said that they always read online reviews before they book a holiday.
3,jake said that he has never tried koumiss before.
4. the reporter said that in 2017 about 5 million people travelled to kazakhstan.
5. the tourists said that they will buy some souvenirs from the bazaar.
6.yerzhan told his sister that he has lost the quidebook that she had given to him.