When I was born my mom and dad were so impressionable emotions. They radyvlis my every day .They smiled back at me and I ponyamali their gold. They love me so far! They are happy with me! And I'm happy for them! They like me to impress and amaze! Надеюсь
In our world more and more difficult to adhere to proper nutrition. Bustle of the city is overflowing with fast food, our concerns lead to irregular hours of eating, our problems, sometimes, to take time of our lunch, dinner. What will we achieve?
What am I eating? Of course, I start with Breakfast. Already in the morning like a hearty meal, whether a sandwich or mashed potatoes, the main thing to fill the stomach. It's not very useful, but I know that ahead of me awaits a tough day. As for dinner, it is on him I have almost no time. So it turns out that I was satisfied with just the appetizer homemade, or a nearby pizzeria. In the evening, I give myself the will to relax a little, as appetite I'm almost there. I understand how I eat, and what the consequences might be. But, unfortunately, I have to admit – I'm a hostage to modern fuss."
The value of food has almost lost its true meaning. After all, eating is an important biological process for normal resilience. For example, "smokers" most of all have a sense of hunger, and to help it can not do anything. With time, respectively, there are problems with health. What I'm getting at? We all love to eat, you need it. But it is worth remembering that our diet affects our health and the moral principle that "delicious lesson".
My opinion, to live well, have a good and eat properly. And mandatory. About the food of man should know no less than he knows about biology or about their native language. Food is one of the fundamental factors of a happy human life.
Http://selfhacker.ru/2010/09/10-kachestv-nastoyaschego-druga/ 1 Chestnost. Nezavysymo here slozhyvsheysya situation, nastoyaschye friends always dolzhnы ostavatsya chestnыmy relationships in each Category friend. Doverye - is Very Important factor in relations. If people do not mogut bыt with each other otkrovennы and im there, that skrыvat, Between them nykohda not voznyknet by this friendship. 2 Predannost. Predannost - this Heavy work. Her need it day after day dokazыvat. Only predannыy man can u be a good friend. 3 Humour. Humour javljaetsja one of vazhneyshyh elements our lives. Bыvaet, that on svodyt together sovsem raznыh on First opinion, and people on dolhye Years svyazыvaet s krepkoy druzhboy. Such friends always naydut How razveselyt friend or two, and in nuzhnuyu minute - podderzhat. Forgiveness 4. Chelovecheskoe consciousness ustroeno stranno. Zachastuyu people obyzhayut samыh blyzkyh of tech, someone they have. Neobhodimo learns to forgive, Ved friendship - is Very dear gift kotorыy obydno teryat because of the redundant upryamstva and pride. 5 reliability. Nadezhnыy friend - this man was He, with somebody always possible podelytsya svoymy thoughts and secrets, not opasayas When anybody-This was pozhalet. Such other Very slozhno find mercy and berech. 6 Support. Support - this is ymenno sake åãî to all our friends Needs. If relationships lyshenы uh - is not friendship. And support to all dolzhna prysutstvovat su - and in neschaste, and joy. 7 Umenye vыslushat. If two man They say simultaneously, not slыsha friend-friend îíè nykohda not dobyutsya vzaymoponymanyya. Nastoyaschye friends dolzhnы umet not only rasskazыvat at svoyh problems, but i vыslushyvat stranger. 8 Zabota. A friend - is not only man, with kotorыm pryyatno and Fun Time, Link else i tot the man, kotorыy Can occasions zabotu, When Link neobhodimo. 9 Adoption drawbacks. In humans there kazhdogo svoy shortcomings, kotorыe bыvaet difficult Accept, but If you cherish relationships, you dolzhnы Set Link. Remember, that your friend as well and you sostoyt As half of the positive and half of mynusov. 10 respect. Naskolko blyzky áû you not bыly with your friend, you do not nykohda dolzhnы famylyarnychat on relationships k nemu. Sohranyayte vzaymouvazhenye. Only when the ego Availability friendship Can prodlytsya debt.