Можно перевод на национальная страна волейбола- сша. популярен он в россии, японии, сша, италии. в команде может быть 14 игроков и 6 в игре. волейбол- быстрый вид спорта.у меня нет любимых игроков, но ест известный- дмитрий мусэрский.
National country voleybola- USA. It is popular in Russia, Japan , USA, Italy . Team of players may be 14 and 6 in the game. Voleybol- very quick view sporta.U I do not have favorite players , but there are very izvestnyy- Dmitry Musersky .
Andrey sergeyevich arshavin was born on may 29, 1981 to leningrad (nowadays – st. petersburg). the love to football in arshavin since the childhood was brought up by the father. it was the quite good player therefore aspired and to see in the son similar attachment to game. andrey arshavin was fond also of drafts, even had on them the youthful category. andrey was engaged in the house of pioneers and school students of the vasileostrovsky area. his instructor convinced that professional game in drafts is that area where arshavin can reach considerable successes. but andrey arshavin chose other way – football
In summer school children do not go to school. They have summer holidays which are three months long. Children don’t have to get up early. There is no homework to do or lessons to learn. That’s why they like holidays. I never stay in bed long in a bright summer morning. Sometimes my friends and I go to the cinema or to a concert. Sometimes we play football or badminton in the yard.Every summer I go to the country to stay with my grandmother for a week or two. I help Granny to work in the kitchen garden or to look after chickens and ducks. In the village I often go for long bike rides with my cousins. Sometimes we go fishing. I like to go to the beach in the morning when it is not too hot. I swim, sunbathe and play with my friends on the bank of the river. If my uncle is not very busy he takes my cousins and me on a hike in the forest. I like sleeping in a tent, sitting by the fire and singing songs. Summer holidays are never too long for me.