Task 1:
Listen to the tape and determine if the following statements are true or false.
1. Ann is in the eighth form at school.
- True.
- Ann mentions that she is in the eighth form at school.
2. Betty is studying English and French.
- False.
- Betty is actually studying History at one of the universities.
3. Ann finds it difficult to organize her time.
- True.
- Ann mentions that she doesn't know in what order she should do things.
4. Ann usually gets enough sleep.
- False.
- Ann mentions that she usually does not get enough sleep.
5. Ann sets two alarm clocks to make sure she doesn't oversleep.
- True.
- Ann mentions that she winds two alarm clocks to make sure she wakes up on time.
6. Betty is an early riser and wakes up at 7 o'clock.
- True.
- Ann mentions that her sister, Betty, wakes up at 7 o'clock.
7. Ann is able to get ready quickly in the morning.
- False.
- Ann mentions that it takes her an hour and a half to get ready.
8. Ann arrives at school 15 minutes late.
- True.
- Ann mentions that even if she catches a bus right away, she still arrives 15 minutes late.
9. Ann feels guilty about being late for school.
- True.
- Ann mentions that being 15 minutes late always makes her feel guilty.
10. Ann acknowledges that her lifestyle needs to change.
- True.
- Ann mentions that she knows her lifestyle is dangerously chaotic and needs to change.
11. Ann's mother advises her to bring regularity into her life for the sake of her health.
- True.
- Ann mentions that her mother says regularity in life will promote her health.
12. Ann disagrees with her mother's advice.
- False.
- Ann agrees with her mother's advice and believes it could change her life for the better.
In this listening task, the tape is about a girl named Ann and her daily routine. The task requires listening to the tape and determining if the given statements about her life are true or false based on the information provided in the tape.
To answer the first statement, Ann explicitly mentions that she is in the eighth form at school, so the statement is true.
For the second statement, Ann mentions that her sister Betty is studying History at one of the universities, not English and French. Therefore, the statement is false.
The third statement is true because Ann mentions that she finds it hard to organize her time and doesn't know in what order she should do things.
The fourth statement is false because Ann mentions that she usually does not get enough sleep, which implies that she does not get enough sleep on a regular basis.
The fifth statement is true as Ann explicitly states that she winds two alarm clocks to make sure she doesn't oversleep.
The sixth statement is true because Ann mentions that Betty, her sister, is an early riser and wakes up at 7 o'clock.
The seventh statement is false because Ann mentions that it takes her an hour and a half to get ready, indicating that she does not get ready quickly in the morning.
The eighth statement is true because Ann explicitly mentions that even if she catches a bus right away, she still arrives at school 15 minutes late.
The ninth statement is true because Ann says that being 15 minutes late always makes her feel guilty.
The tenth statement is true because Ann acknowledges that her lifestyle is dangerously chaotic and needs to change as soon as possible.
The eleventh statement is true because Ann mentions that her mother says regularity in life will help promote her health.
The twelfth statement is false because Ann agrees with her mother's advice and believes it could change her life for the better.
Overall, by carefully listening to the tape and analyzing the information provided, we can determine if the statements are true or false based on what Ann says about her life and daily routine.
Привет! Конечно, я готов выступить в роли твоего школьного учителя и помочь разобраться с этим примером!
Давайте начнем с того, что все предложения в этом примере используют фразу "will be", которая означает, что что-то произойдет в будущем. Посмотрим на каждое предложение по очереди:
1. You will be happy. (Ты будешь счастлив.)
- В этом предложении говорится о том, что кто-то будет счастливым в будущем. В данном случае, говорим о "тебе" или о ком-то другом, с кем общаемся. То есть, как я понимаю, это выражение адресовано тебе (школьнику).
2. You will not be happy. (Ты не будешь счастлив.)
- Это отрицательная форма предыдущего предложения. Она означает, что ты, или кто-то еще, не будет счастливым в будущем.
3. He will be at school. (Он будет в школе.)
- В этом предложении говорится о том, что "он" будет находиться в школе в будущем. Здесь мы говорим о каком-то мальчике или другом человеке.
4. Will he be at school? (Он будет в школе?)
- Это вопросительная форма предыдущего предложения. Здесь мы спрашиваем, будет ли "он" в школе. Поэтому мы используем слово "will" в начале предложения, а также меняем местами подлежащее (he) и глагол (be).
5. You will be tired tomorrow. (Ты будешь уставшим завтра.)
- В этом предложении мы говорим о том, что "ты" будешь уставшим в будущем, а именно завтра.
6. Dan will be funny. (Дэн будет забавным.)
- В данном предложении говорится о том, что "Дэн" будет забавным в будущем. Здесь мы говорим о каком-то человеке по имени Дэн.
Теперь мы разобрали каждое предложение из примера по отдельности и поняли, какое значение они несут. Важно понимать, что в будущем все может измениться, поэтому мы используем слово "will" для обозначения действий, которые произойдут после момента речи.
Надеюсь, я смог объяснить пример достаточно подробно и понятно. Если у тебя остались вопросы, не стесняйся задавать их! Я всегда готов помочь!