13. all the students … to the party. a) were being invited; b) have been invited; c) invited. 14. he … not to be late again. a) is told; b) was told; c) were told.
1. When will be sunny on vacation , I'll walk. 2. When it rains on vacation , we'll leave. 3. When will be cloudy on vacation , I and my brother and my father will shoot. 4. When will be sunny on vacation , I 'm not going to sit at home 5. When it is windy , my brother would not play football . 6. Will you stay at home , when it will be sunny ? 7. You will swim when it 's cold ? 8. When on holiday the weather is good , my mom will have a good mood. 9. Whether they will play the piano when they break?
My name`s Marina. I am 10. I live in Saint-Petersburg. I am good at drawing, dancing and singing. I go to school. My favourite subject is English. I am a good pupil. I get excellent marks at school.
Every day I help my mum. I clean my room and cook breakfast.
Bring me some presents, please. I would like to get a puppy. I want to visit London and Paris next year. I really wish my mum to be kind and healthy. Please put some lollipops into my Christmas stocking.
See you in December.
Дорогой Дед Мороз,
Меня зовут Марина. Мне десять лет. Я живу в Санкт-Петербурге. Я хорошо рисую, танцую и пою. Я хожу в школу. Мой любимый предмет - английский язык. Я - хорошая ученица. Я получаю в школе отличные отметки.
Каждый день я маме. Я прибираю свою комнату и готовлю завтрак.
принеси мне несколько подарков на Новый Год. Я хотела бы получить щенка. Я хочу посетить Лондон и Париж в следующем году. Мне очень хочется, чтобы моя мама была добрая и здоровая положи в мой Рождественский чулок немного леденцов.
13. All the students … to the party.
b) have been invited
14. He … not to be late again.
b) was told