The Kazakh alphabet, based on Arabic graphics, was corrected by A. Baitursynov and improved in accordance with the peculiarities of the language. In Kazakhstan, until the 30s, it was used under the name "label". The spelling of this letter is based on morphological traditional conditions.
(Араб графикасына негізделген қазақ әліпбиін кезінде А.Байтұрсынұлы реттеп, тіл ерекшеліктеріне сай жетілдірген. Қазақстанда 30-шы жылдарға дейін “төте жазу” деген атпен қолданылып келген. Бұл жазудың емлесі морфологиялық дәстүрлі шарттарға негізделген.)
Көмегі тиді деп ойлаймын :-)
Do you run?
Do we jump?
Do they swim?
Does he play?
Does she skip ?
Do we play?
Does it swim?
Does Ann skate?
Does Bob ski?
Do they run?
Do you play?
Do we skate?
Does Kate jump?
Does Tom ski?
Do they play?
Does it run?
Does she swim?
Do you skate?
Do we skip?
Does he jump?
Do you ski?
Does his dog run?
Do dogs swim?
Does the girl skip?
Do boys skip?
I don't ski
we don't skate
she doesn't skip
it doesn't fly
they don't swim
you don't play
he doesn't jump
Ann doesn't skip
Bob doesn't ski
they don't run
you don't skip
we don't play
Kate doesn't jump
Tom doesn't ski
they don't play
it doesn't run
she doesn't swim
you don't skate
we don't jump
he. doesn't skip
you don't ski
his dog doesn't run
cats don't swim