Violence Among Teenagers Today teenagers are violent more than in the last generation. In the last few years the violence spread all over the country. In these days there are some external features that we can recognize violent people. Teachers, parents and teenagers report that violence increases every day.
Alcohol today is more than just a problem among adults, but it has become a problem among teens. During the past ten years we had witnessed a steady decline in the number of alcohol-related motor vehicle deaths in the youth population, but there is a rise also in alcohol consumption overall. Alcohol is a main reason for violence whether it is growing up with alcohol users and abusers or the youth using the alcohol substance themselves. High school students who drink alcohol or use illegal drugs, including anabolic steroids, are more than twice as likely to carry a weapon or get into a physical fight than teenagers who deny drug use, according to a study in the August issue of the AMA's Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine. The situation is dangerous. We must fight with this problem and involve teenagers into sport and other useful activities
На русском:Кейт и Мэри гуляли в парке. К ним подошел парень и попросил денег. Они отказали и убежали от него. Через 3 часа тот парень подбегает к девушкам с цветами и обьясняет, что они ему очень понравились За Українки: Кейт і Мері гуляли в парку. До них підійшов хлопець і попросив грошей. Вони відмовили і втекли від нього. Через 3 години той хлопець підбігає до дівчат з квітами і пояснює, що вони йому дуже сподобалися In English: Kate and Mary walked in the park. A guy came up to them and asked for money. They refused and ran away from him. After 3 hours, that guy runs up to the girls with flowers and explains that he really liked them