2)If he did his driving test now, he'd failIf he did his driving test now, he'd fail itIf he did his driving test now, he would failIf he did his driving test now, he would fail it.
3)If we stayed at a hotel, it would cost too much.
4)If she left her job, she wouldn't get another one.
5)If we invited Ben, we'd have to invite his friends too.
If we invited Ben, we would have to invite his friends too.
If we invited Ben to the party, we'd have to invite his friends too.If we invited Ben to the party, we would have to invite his friends too
6)If I told him what happened, he wouldn't believe me.
2.somebody broke into my house.
3.it would cost you a lot to maintain it
4.the economic situation improved
5.I didn't go out with you tonight?
1) What is the Internet?
ответ: Worldwide computer network.
Что такое Интернет?
ответ: всемирная компьютерная сеть.
2) Which country is the birthplace of the Internet?
ответ: USA.
Какая страна является родиной Интернета?
ответ: США.
3) What is the Internet for?
ответ: for the exchange of information materials between computers scattered around the world.
Для чего нужен Интернет?
ответ: для обмена информационными материалами между компьютерами, разбросанными по всему миру.
4) Is it possible to find information on the topic on the Internet: "England"?
ответ: yes, you can find almost any information on the Internet.
Можно ли найти в Интернете информацию на тему: «Англия»?
ответ: да, в Интернете можно найти практически любую информацию.