Complete the sentences with: mustn't, might not, should, don't have to. 1 Zoe come to work today.She wasn't feeling well last night. 2 You get some rest. You look exhausted. 3 We wake up early tomorrow. It's Sunday. 4 Employees eat at their desks. It's a company rule
Why do we need English? . Why do we need English? The answer to this question will, I think, every. 21st century - the opening of borders and unification of the countries. Millions of Russian citizens travel abroad with a variety of purposes: to relax as tourists, to work under contract in Western companies and, eventually, to Paris or Milan for the latest fashion collection! In whatever country went people, he has to communicate with people. Historically, the universal language of communication was English. At the airport, at the hotel, in a taxi on the street - everywhere You can feel free and confident, if in Your knowledge there is at least a couple dozen English words!