Every day we see thousands of things that cause us to wonder.And that one of them becomes a part of us.Our hobby and the work of the soul. I like finding art in things that seem looking. I love looking for patterns on the Wallpaper or woodland.I think hobby gives us a chance to be real,to find your way. I often find new employment,but I think a work of my soul is painting are poetry.I draw and wrote since childhood.It sounded foolish,but now I see the sense in it and its future.For drawing I'm also going to include a repaint dolls.This is a very nice,but costly lesson.I love painting dolls,because you feel like creator.You create a little life,that's fine.The creation of something-a separate worker process,the length of time and a bit of magic.
Каждый день мы видим тысячи вещей,которые заставляют нас удивляться.И что то из них становится частичкой нас.Нашим хобби делом души.Мне нравится искать искусство в мелочах,которые кажутся обыденными.Я люблю искать картины на обоях или лесном пейзаже.Я думаю,хобби дает нам шанс быть настоящими,найти свой путь.Я часто нахожу новые занятия,но делом души считаю рисование и поэзию.Рисую и пишу я с самого детства .Раньше это казалось глупостью,но теперь я вижу в этом смысл и свое будущее.К рисованию я так же отношу перерисовку кукол.Это очень приятное,но затратное занятие.Я люблю рисовать кукол,потому что ты ощущаешь себя творцом.Ты создаешь маленькую жизнь,это прекрасно.создание чего либо-это отдельный процесс,отрезок времени и немного магии.
Для 5 класса многовато и сложновато,но можешь выбрать то,что нравится.Перевод дословный,так что предложения идут по порядку как в переводе.
Everyone had some accidents at least once in his life, and I am not an exception. It happened to me 5 years ago, I was 10 years old at that moment. Just as summer began, I went to the summer camp where I always spent my holidays. I met my friends there again and we had fun together, we swam in the river, sunbathed, played football and took part in different competitions. One day, while I was sitting with my friends on the bench, we heard a girl crying. She was younger than we were and she looked so sad. I suggested my friends going there and asking the girl what had happened to her. She told us that her kitten had climbed the tree to catch a bird. However, the bird wasn't caught because it had flown away. And the kitten could not get down to the ground and cried. My friends just listened to the story and decided to go away, but I felt for the girl and her unlucky kitten. Hoping that I would be luckier, I decided to climb up the tree and save the kitten. It had been the first time I climbed such a high tree, by the way. So as I was very close to the kitten I took him with my hand. Suddenly the branch where I was sitting cracked and broke and I fell down to the ground. As a result, I broke my hand and was taken to a local hospital. But I wasn't dissapointed at all, because the kitten was saved.
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